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Give your friend a hug. You will get it back a thousand times.


Elemyn is a white mare with a glossy coat that reflects every color of the rainbow. Her body pulses with an electrical current.[1]

The Carousel Horse modeled after her in “Spring Carnival” wears an indigo saddle attached to the pole and an indigo breast collar. A purple halter can be seen on her, and a feather sticks out on top of her head.


Elemyn always makes sure her friends know how much she loves and appreciates them. She works exceptionally well in groups and formed Herd Elemyn to honor the virtue of harmony.[2]

Magical Gift

Elemyn is a windwalker and can soar far above Trail's End as shown in her "Winter Festival" card art. Her body glows with a magical aura that crackles like lighting.[3]


Elemyn was one of the 10 first-born foals of Herd Bellasara. Sara asked the young Elemyn if she would like to become a leader of her own herd; when Elemyn agreed, she was immediately aged into an adult and gifted the wisdom and maturity to be a great leader. Sara helped her find a mate, and with Sara's blessing, Elemyn and her new mate traveled to Esotara and established Herd Elemyn.[4]

When Sigga and the The Valkyries formed, Sara gave Elemyn a magical pendant that allowed her to communicate with Sigga and other herd leaders across North of North.[5] It is unknown what happened to Elemyn's pendant.

When Sigga was banished from North of North, the enchantress Ivenna locked Ice Castle, preventing Elemyn and her herd from entering their home.[6] Unlike the other herds that went into hiding to await the return of Sigga's heir, Elemyn and her herd are shown to freely wander Trail's End and still attend the Midwinter Eve's Fairy Feast during "Winter Festival".[7]


Bella and the Herd Founders

Elemyn was one of the 10 first-born foals in Bella's original herd alongside Islandar, Airistos, Valeryk, Shahazar, Sunflower, Moonfairy, Starlight, Pantheon, and Mustang. This makes them all most likely distantly related.[4]


The goddess Sara aged Elemyn into a full-grown mare and blessed her with great wisdom so that she could lead Herd Elemyn.[4]

Unnamed Mate

Before setting off to establish her own herd, Elemyn was given a mate so the two could populate Herd Elemyn and beyond.[4] The name of Elemyn's mate is unknown.

The Name Game

The name Elemyn most likely comes from the word "element", reflecting her association with elemental horses.

Inspirational Message

Spring Carnival Icon “Give your friend a hug. You will get it back a thousand times.”

Spring Carnival Icon “Obejmi svého přítele. Tisíckrát se ti to vrátí.”

Spring Carnival Icon “Prend un ami dans tes bras, et cette embrassade te sera rendue au centuple.”

Spring Carnival Icon “Дружба, которую даришь - величайшее сокровище. Чем больше отдаешь, тем больше получаешь.”





  1. Gender confirmed by Bella Sara Magical Horses. (October 7, 2011). Retrieved August 9, 2020 from https://www.facebook.com/Bella-Sara-Magical-Horses-113038148761850/photos/a.113076728757992/213998135332517
  2. "Herds from North of North" Ice Castle card
  3. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the bellasara.wiki.gg staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Gott C., Conard S., Boozer M., Hacker M., Saling B. M. (2009). The Bella Sara Ultimate Guide Updated Version (pp. 46) New York, NY: HarperCollins. Retrieved August 5, 2020 from https://bellasara.com/
  5. Conard, S., Saling, B. M., Hacker, M. (2011). Chapter 1: Intruder. Emma and the Search for the Sunflowers Herd. (pp. 12-13) Seattle, WA: Hidden City Games. Retrieved from https://web.archive.org/web/20151107045241/http://www.bellasara.com/storybooks/emma_lostherds.pdf
  6. Midwinter's Eve & Mischievous Fairies
  7. Herd Elemyn (Story) & Fairy Feast

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Herds from North of North Icon Saturna

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