Quixie Faun

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Quixie Fauns are furry white creatures. They have large round ears, and a fluffy tail, little black noses and black eyes. [1][2]


Quixie fauns are whimsical fey creatures who live charmed lives in the divide between the dreamlands of fantasy and romance. They prefer not to have to deal with dullness of reality. Forever the optimists, Quixie fauns are idealists when seeking the best from individuals.[1]

Magical Gift

Tapping the life sap of the world tree, Quixies employ magic of the highest order. Magic so powerful it can manipulate reality. But luckily for everyone, Quixies are incapable of harm. Using their special talent they are able to travel the roots of the world tree to visit heroes in the making. They like to inspire deeds of great valor for they believe that only through heroic deeds of self-sacrifice and bravery will the world become a better place. In their minds anything is possible, any goal is achievable, and heroes can accomplish the impossible. [1] They love to explore the world of dreams.[3]


These impulsive fun-loving critters live in an enchanted woodland paradise in the roots of the World Tree.  [1]





  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Information Retrieved from Fiona Bellapedia Screenshot
  2. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the bellasara.wiki.gg staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  3. From The Ultimate Sticker Collection

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