The Ultimate Sticker Collection

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The Ultimate Sticker Collection is a sticker book published by HarperCollins in 2009. The book features 600 stickers of various horses, magical friends, and locations of North of North.


Each page of The Ultimate Sticker Collection contains silhouettes of different stickers as an indicator of where each sticker is meant to be placed. Next to each silhouette is the name of each horse, magical friend, or location as well as a short description of each.

The book primarily features the horses of "Northern Lights", "Ancient Lights", and "Native Lights".



"Gather all of your favorite Bella Sara horses and magical friends in this ultimate collection—filled with everything you need to know about this fantastical world and featuring more than six hundred beautiful, full-color stickers! This book is a must-have for any Bella Sara fan!"


North of North is a magical continent suspended in a sea of light called the Auroborus. The birthplace of all horses, North of North is protected by the young goddess, Sara.

Featured Horses: Bella, Jewel, Thunder, Fiona, Nike, Bello, Bellisimo, Mushu, Hercules, Tai, Santos, and Yin and Yang.


In the heart of North of North is the land of Trail's End: a place filled with magic and adventure as is reflected in its geography and locations.

Featured Places: Drasilmare, Rolandsgaard Castle, Teardrop Lake, Canter Hollow, Rolands Hold Arena, Goddesswall, Starguide Lighthouse, Mount Whitemantle, Stonelory, Bella and Bello Monuments, Darkcomb Forest, Overgaard Skylands.

Magical Horses

The horses in North of North are unlike any horses seen on Earth: some can swim and breath underwater, others can soar through the sky, and some have the appearance of other animals!

Featured Horses: Treasure, Hummingbird, Wavebreaker, Flame, Balto, Kio

Northern Lights Horses

The "Northern Lights" Horses are named after the colorful northern lights that appear in the night sky of North of North and have existed long before Sigga and the Valkyries arrived to North of North. When Sigga arrived, she personally cared for this magnificent herd of ancient horses.

Featured Horses: Nuada, Thor, Signy, Mandalay, Brisi, Mjolnir, Viking, Rhiannon, Saga, Walter, Iduna, Embarr, Yasmin, Dawn, Rimfaxe, Star, Lakehorse, Sleipnir, Bosi, Froya, Conall, Bifrost, Skipper, Skinfaxe, Charlie, Iceking, Firewalker, Danu, Kelpie-Pooka, Mystery.

Ancient Lights Horses

The "Ancient Lights" Horses were named by Sara in honor of the Greek, Roman, and Celtic warriors of Earth. Along with the Northern Lights Horses, the Ancient Lights Horses were cared for by Sigga. When Sigga was banished from North of North for falling in love with a mortal, many of these horses scattered across the land.

Featured Horses: Hera, Venus, Eirene, Thalia, Amor, Clio, Flora, Eurynome, Pandora, Urania, Vesta, Apollo, Naiad, Epona, Achilles, Ceres, Diana, Selene, Triton, Demeter, Gaia, Athena, Cybele, Aphaia, Iris, Aphrodite, Juno, Bukefalos, Hestia, Opis, Neptune, Hecate, Janus, Uranus, Echo.

Native Lights Horses

When Sara and Bella traveled across the Sea of Light to Earth, they met tribes that called themselves "The People". Sara saw the great connection that The People had with horses, nature, and all animals. When Sara returned to North of North, she named particularly special horses after the tribes in honor of their cultures. To her surprise, horses named after tribes would gain an animal friend that would guide each horse through life just as the animals mentioned in the The People's stories.

Featured Horses: Shawnee, Pima, Tsimshian, Akama, Huron, Navajo, Osage, Cochiti, Inuit, Apache, Ponca, Mohawk, Seminole, Wasco, Kiowa, Cheyenne, Menominee, Nimiipuu, Seneca, Hidatsa, Wichita, Chumash, Paiute, Pawnee, Lakota, Absaroke, Blackfeet, Zuni, Tlingit.

Magical Friends

The tears cried by Sara after the death of her parents formed Teardrop Lake and eventually Teardrop Falls. The magic contained in her tears transformed the animals living in North of North into the mystical magical friends! Each Magical Friend was destined to meet their horse friend and each party traveled all across North of North to find each other.

Featured Magical Friends: Flapuppy, Tea Leaf Panda, Eureka Bunny, Verdant Liona, Angelic Cavy, Hounderoo, Steampoppo, Sprayer Whale, Finling, Marsh Burbler, Arctic Meerkin, Ivy-Tailed Dragon, Starstone Otter, Rose Dragon, Fire Spoop, Glowball Pooch, Whiffle Bear, Treeblix, Serpetiel, Ramshaggle, Blackcomb Lion, Pufferfox, Bubble Turtle, Tunnel Runner, Tassel Mouse, Shedderpup, Bobolink, Grasspool Otter, Quixie Faun, Glow-Eyed Catkin, Nebulaphin, Bearn Terrier, Lotus Hedgehog, Royal Starbik, Seashell Bug, Yulung Dragon, Melonchilla.[1]



  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.