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Beran & Twinkle Imp

Think positive every day! Feel the bliss of joy and energy that comes with it.


Bella is a gorgeous snowy white mare with a strong but elegant build. Her mane and tail appear to glow, and sometimes they appear a soft blonde in the sun. Other times she can appear silver, however. Her muzzle is distinctively tipped in black and pink. Her eyes are a deep and warm black, and her hooves are a dusty brown. She is often seen with a glittering rainbow aura made of the Auroborus. Though it isn't known if she actually emits it or attracts it, the aura signifies her magical gifts. Many regard her as the most beautiful horse of North of North.

In "Native Lights", she is pictured with many black feathers braided into her hair and a black whale tattoo on her flank. In "Royalty", she wears a crystal crown on her head. In "Bella's Ball", she wears a cream, trailing cape decorated with gems and a starstone. Attached to the cape is a set of leg coverings in the same color, and a sheer cream panel around her backside. She also wears a cream, crystal tiara and her mane is curled with small ponytails throughout. This is also the ensemble that the carousel horse modeled after her in “Spring Carnival” wears. In "Winter Festival", she wears a harness of green and red decorated with holly.


Bella is the wisest horse ever to live and is the most compassionate and understanding of all living things.[1] As the greatest of all horses, she rules North of North with love. Her own herd, Herd Bellasara, is named to honor her special bond with Sara, the goddess of horses. She encourages her herd to become wiser by trying to understand the world around them and grants the Order of Bella only to those whose wise minds are matched with loving hearts.[2]

In Bella's Gift, Bella fought alongside the four Legendary Horses at Styginmoor Castle to free the imprisoned Jillian and the Magical Friends showing her bravery.[3]

Magical Gift

Bella is the most magical horse in North of North's thanks to her connection to the goddess Sara: she can walk on water and air, fly through the Aurborus into other worlds, transform Wolves into harmless cubs,[4] and inspire hope in anyone she meets.

The immortal Bella is the first and greatest of horses. She rules over all of North of North alongside Sara, her constant companion. She worked together with Sara to create the many herds and created practically everything in North of North, from the mountains surrounding it to the great castles inside. In fact, she was the first horse Sara ever touched. When a spark of love and magic wound them with a bond so tight, it gave her more knowledge and magic than any other horse. Her legendary wisdom is so great that not only does she command all to bow before her, but she inspires those to stand beside her.[4] 



Bella is mated to Bello, an equally wise and respected horse who led his own herd before they met. Together, they joined their herds and rule over Herd Bellasara and North of North.[5]

Bellisimo and Bellissa

Bella and Bello have two foals, Bellisimo and Bellissa.


Bella and Sara share a special magical bond. When they first met, Sara became the goddess of horses and Bella was uplifted into the wisest and most magical horse in North of North. When Sara's parents were killed, Bella and her herd stayed by her side.[6] Now, the two are barely seen apart.

The Herd Founders

Islandar, Airistos, Valeryk, Shahazar, Sunflower, Moonfairy, Starlight, Pantheon, Elemyn, and Mustang were foals in Bella's original herd before they were blessed by Sara and left to establish their own herds.[7]


Bella is close friends with Fiona as they enjoy running together across the plains of North of North.[8]

Apollo, Bifrost, Treasure, and Pegasus

In the Bella Sara game for the Nintendo DS, Apollo, Bifrost, Treasure, and Pegasus are described as Bella's friends.


Bella's closest animal friend is the majestic Orca.

Starstone Otter

Bella's closest magical friend is the Starstone otter. Both are the wisest creatures of their type and have an immense respect for each other.

Digital Content

Bella and her animal friend from "Native Lights" were accompanied by a digital story, called Orca's Gift to Creator. The story was available to buy from the Bazaar Tent on the website.

Unlike other Native Lights horses that were named after a tribe and accompanied by a tale from the same tribe, Bella's animal and story were simply assigned to her as an existing horse, both from the Makah tribe.

The Name Game

The name Bella means "beautiful" in a number of languages, including Italian, Spanish, Greek, Portuguese, Latin, and French.[9]

Bella Sara Adventures


Bella is located next to the Starstone Otter in the Fountain Plaza.


Try feeding her vanilla - it's her favorite!


Bella's chibi code unlocks the adventure "Sweet Hay".

Promo Info

"Northern Lights"

A jumbo Bella promo card was available at Gen Con Indy 2007.

Inspirational Message

Danish Silver Icon “Think positive every day! Feel the bliss of joy and energy that comes with it.”
Baby Bella Icon “Life is a gift. Feel the bliss of joy and energy that comes with it.”
Starlights Icon “I shine brightly in all seasons to bring you joy and energy.”

Starlights Icon “Zářím jasně po celý rok přináším ti radost a energii.”
The Best of Bella Sara Icon “Život je dar. Přijmi ho a měj ho ráda.”
Magical Chibis Icon “Každý den mysli pozitivně! Ucítíš radost a energii, kterou Ti toto myšlení přinese.”

Second Series Icon “Denke elke dag positief! Voel het plezier en geluk dat daaruit voortkomt.”
Bella's Ball Icon “Denke elke dag positief! Voel de vreugde en de energie dat dit met zich meebrengt.”
Sunflowers Icon “Denke elke dag positief! Voel het genot van de vreugde en de energie die daarmee gepaard gan.”

Magical Friends Icon “Pense positivement chaque jour ! Ressens la sérénité que t’apporte la joie et l’éngerie qu’elle suscite.”
Sunflowers Icon “Pense positivement chaque jour !”
Starlights Icon “Je brille de tous mes feux chaque saison pour t'apporter la joie et l'énergie.”

Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon “Denke jeden Tag positiv. Du wirst spüren, wie es dich mit Freude und Energie erfüllt.”
Baby Bella Icon “Das Leben ist ein Geschenk. Spüre die Freude und Energie, die es dir bringt.”

Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon “Pensa positivo ogni giorno! Senti le vibrazioni che la gioia e l'energia ti donano.”
Baby Bella Icon “La vita è un dono. Senti le vibrazioni di gioia e di energia che ti porta.”
Moonfairies Icon “Pensa positivo ogni giorno! Senti la benedizione della gioia e l'energia che giunge con essa.”
Starlights Icon “Pensa positivo ogni giorno! Sentirai la benedizione delle gioia e l'energia che essa può donare.”
Starlights Icon “La mia luce risplende in tutte le stagioni per donarti gioia e energia.”
The Best of Bella Sara Icon “La vita è un dono. Senti la serenità della gioia e l'energia che arriva con essa.”

Winter Festival Icon "Każdego dnia myśl pozytywnie. Poczuj jaką to daje radość i energię."
The Best of Bella Sara Icon "Poczuj plynącą z tego radość i energię."

Summer Camp Icon “Светлые мысли порождают добрые дела, а добрые дела приносят радость!”

Bella's Ball Icon “¡Piensa cada día de forma positiva! ¡Siente la Felicidad y la energía que esto te aporta!”





  1. The Bella Sara Ultimate Guide (pp. 26, 28)
  2. Gott C., Conard S., Boozer M., Hacker M., Saling B. M. (2009). The Bella Sara Ultimate Guide Updated Version (pp. 47) New York, NY: HarperCollins. Retrieved August 5, 2020 from
  3. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Brown F. (December 23, 2008). Bella's Gift. Chapters 8 and 9. New York, NY: HarperCollins.
  5. Baby Bella story
  6. The Bella Sara Ultimate Guide
  7. Ultimate Guide Cont., (pp. 46)
  8. The Ultimate Sticker Collection
  9. Bella. (July 26, 2020). Retrieved August 6, 2020 from,Belle%2C%20meaning%20beautiful%20in%20French.

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Danish Silver Icon Beauty
First Series Icon Yellow
Second Series Icon Balto
Northern Lights Icon Balto
Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon North American Release Athena European Release Balto
Native Lights Icon Anisinabe
Magical Friends Icon North American Numbering Bathylas International Numbering Beau
Baby Bella Icon North American Numbering Balto & Juno and Bellisimo
International Numbering Barleycorn and Bellisimo
Treasures Icon Ariadne
Royalty Icon Aviva
Bella's Ball Icon Athena
Sunflowers Icon Waterlily
Moonfairies Icon Willownix
Starlights Icon Aurora
Spring Carnival Icon Zabarius
Summer Camp Icon Aspen
Winter Festival Icon Wintertide
The Best of Bella Sara Icon Aurora and Bellissa
Magical Chibis Icon Airy
Herds from North of North Icon None
Giochi Preziosi Toy Promos Icon Athena
Foals and Foals 2017 Icon Cirra and Myrfor

Danish Silver Icon Bliss
First Series Icon Bellisimo
Second Series Icon Bellisimo
Northern Lights Icon Bello
Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon North American Release Eurynome European Release Bello
Native Lights Icon Blackfeet
Magical Friends Icon Beran
Baby Bella Icon North American Numbering Bellisimo and Beran & Rosebriar
International Numbering Bellerophon and Beran & Rosebriar
Treasures Icon Bellisimo
Royalty Icon Brine
Bella's Ball Icon Bello
Sunflowers Icon Seraphia & Tyri
Moonfairies Icon Soot & Colm
Starlights Icon Boreas
Spring Carnival Icon Soot & Colm
Summer Camp Icon Bronco
Winter Festival Icon Colm
The Best of Bella Sara Icon Bellisimo and Beran
Magical Chibis Icon Bluebell
Herds from North of North Icon Penny Inkwell
Giochi Preziosi Toy Promos Icon Colour
Foals and Foals 2017 Icon Fiona and Colm

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