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Watch closely and remember what you see.


Tycho has a colorful sapphire and crimson swirled body, with a matching mane and tail. His thin wings are intricate and have glowing and swirling lines. His hooves glow with small flames.


Tycho is a very observant stallion. He always notices the little things around him and uses them to influence his decisions and to learn from.[1]

Magical Gift

As Tycho is a pegasus and has wings, he can naturally fly.



Tycho's mate is Astara. Together they rule Herd Starlight.

Andromeda and Orbit

Tycho has one filly Andromeda, and one colt Orbit.

The Name Game

Tycho is most likely named after Tycho Brahe, a Danish nobleman, astronomer, and write, who made a number of astronomical advances. There are also two craters, lunar and martian, named after him, as well as an asteroid belt.[2]

Inspirational Message

Starlights Icon “Watch closely and remember what you see.”

Starlights Icon “Pozorně se dívej a pamatuj si, co vidiš.”

Starlights Icon “Observe attentivement et souviens-toi de ce que tu as vu.”

Starlights Icon “Betragte die Dinge aus der Nähe und du wirst dich an alles erinnern können.”





  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the bellasara.wiki.gg staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. Tycho Brahe. (August 8, 2020). Retrieved August 17, 2020 from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tycho_Brahe

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