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Why, hello! I am an off-and-on Bella Sara fan with a humble collection of cards from various sets. If you have any questions, requests, or just want to chat, please don't be afraid to leave a message at my Wall. Now on to miscellaneous stuff!



I'd say it's a perfect tie between Baby Bella (I love the emphasis on family), Moonfairies (Gosh, the art and horses are so gorgeous) and Bella's Ball (again, family and art trumps all).


My absolute favorite is Herd Elemyn, hands down. I mean, manipulating an element is one thing, but literally being the element? That's just brilliant. A close second is Herd Moonfairy, and trailing right behind is Herd Shahazar.

Card Collection

Second Series

  • P1/1 ♦ Excelsior
  • 5/97 ● Bosi
  • 11/97 ● Colour
  • 16/97 ● Flame
  • 32/97 ● Macon
  • 44/97 ● Rose
  • 50/97 ● Sheng
  • 73/97 ■ Misla

Northern Lights

  • 3/55 ● Charlie
  • 4/55 ● Colour
  • 5/55 ● Danu
  • 11/55 ● Kelpie-Pooka
  • 12/55 ● Mandalay
  • 13/55 ● Mjolnir
  • 14/55 ● Moonlight
  • 17/55 ● Rhiannon
  • 20/55 ● Skipper
  • 24/55 ● Thor
  • 25/55 ● Urd
  • 26/55 ● Viking