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Feel the joy in what you see, hear, and sense.


Colour is a pure white mare with a rainbow mane and tail. She has a black muzzle. Her mane and tail seem to stretch to infinity.


Colour is joyful, and she loves listening. She is kind but mischievous and fun to be around. Her daughters take after her. Her loving, helpful personality causes everyone to love her. She hates seeing others in pain or fear.[1]

Magical Gift

Colour's magical hair paints rainbows in the sky. She is also a windwalker.



Colour's mate is Bifrost. Together they have three foals.

Chromasia, Mistral, and Prisma

Colour's three foals are Chromasia, Mistral, and Prisma.


Colour was the most activated card from Second Series on the original Bella Sara Website. [2]

Inspirational Message

Danish Copper Icon “Feel the joy in what you see, hear, and sense.”
Baby Bella Icon “Where joy is there are always miracles.”

Second Series Icon “Ressens la joie dans tout ce que tu vois, tout ce que tu entends et tout ce que tu perçois.”

Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon “Erfeu' dich an dem, was du siehst, hörst und fühlst.”
Baby Bella Icon “Wo Freunde ist, geschehen immer Wunder.”

Second Series Icon “C’è un po’ di gioia in tutto ciò che vedi, senti, e provi.”
Baby Bella Icon “Dove c'e la gioia, ci sono sempre i miracoli.”
The Best of Bella Sara Icon “Senti la gioia in quello che vedi, ascolti e percepisci.”

The Best of Bella Sara Icon “Czerp radość z tego, co widzisz, slyszysz i czujesz.”

Second Series Icon “Siente la alegría en lo que ves, oyes y sientes.”





  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. The Ultimate Guide to Trading Card Games. Michael G. Ryan. Pg. 44

Previous in Series Next in Series

Danish Copper Icon Bifrost
Second Series Icon Yung
Northern Lights Icon Charlie
Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon Clio
Baby Bella Icon Beran & Rosebriar
The Best of Bella Sara Icon Colm & Soot
Herds from North of North Icon Elemyn
Giochi Preziosi Toy Promos Icon Bella

Danish Copper Icon Cookie
Second Series Icon Dynamo
Northern Lights Icon Danu
Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon Cupid
Baby Bella Icon Bluebell
The Best of Bella Sara Icon Coral
Herds from North of North Icon Jubilee
Giochi Preziosi Toy Promos Icon Diamond

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