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Make time to listen to your friends.


Charlie is a Norwegian Fjord stallion with a black muzzle, stockings, and dorsal stripe. Like all Norwegian Fjord horses, his tan mane and tail have a distinct black center.


Charlie is a patient and wise horse and a good listener, preferring to lend an ear before stating his own opinions on any matter. He always thinks before he talks and is a wonderful friend to have. Charlie's greatest gift is knowing that he does not know everything.[1]


Delight and Summit

Together with Mandalay, Charlie has two foals, Delight and Summit.[2]


Charlie's mate is the unicorn Mandalay.

The Name Game

The name Charlie means "free man" and is a shortened version of Charles.[3]

Inspirational Message

Danish Gold Icon “Make time to listen to your friends.”
Baby Bella Icon “Tell your friends your favorite wish. Then listen to theirs.”

Second Series Icon “Prends le temps d’écouter tes amis.”
Baby Bella Icon “Raconte à tes amis ton vœu le plus cher. Ensuite, écoute les leurs.”

Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon “Nimm dir Zeit für deine Freunde.”

Second Series Icon “Trova il tempo di ascoltare le tue amiche.”

Second Series Icon “Busca tiempo para escuchar a tus amigos.”





  1. Information from The Ultimate Sticker Collection
  2. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  3. Charlie. Retrieved August 7, 2020 from

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Danish Gold Icon Blackie
First Series Icon Blackie
Second Series Icon Cascadeur
Northern Lights Icon Brisi
Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon Ceres
Baby Bella Icon Charlemagne

Danish Gold Icon Dina
First Series Icon Dynamo
Second Series Icon Ching
Northern Lights Icon Colour
Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon Clio
Baby Bella Icon North American Numbering Dart International Numbering Cherub

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