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Have faith that you will find the answers you're looking for.


Valkrist is a pale gold pegasus stallion with huge glimmering wings. In some images, he has stripes on his neck, and his hindquarters are dappled. His eyes are a deep dark brown. On his right flank, Valkrist has a marking of the Valkyrie Orchid.  He wears a golden pendant on a golden chain around his neck.[1]


Valkrist is never afraid to look for answers or ask questions.

Magical Gift

Valkrist is a pegasus, so he can fly. He can use the tips of his wings to bring two creatures together starting or strengthening the bond between them.[2]


Emma and Sigga

Valkrist is formerly Sigga's Steed. He also flew Emma to meet the Valkyrie's for the first time.[3]


Valkrist was featured in Jakks Pacific Bella Sara Toys.

Inspirational Message

Treasures Icon “Have faith that you will find the answers you're looking for.”

Treasures Icon “Aie confiance : tu trouveras les réponses que tu cherches.”

Treasures Icon “Vertraue darauf, dass du die Antworten finden wirst, die du suchst.”

Spring Carnival Icon “Наберись терпения, и рано поздно, ни один твой вопрос не останется без ответа...”





  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. The Bella Sara Ultimate Guide
  3. Brown F., Jakubowski N. (December 23, 2008). Valkrist's Flight. New York, NY: HarperCollins.

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The Valkyrie Steeds