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Follow me beneath the waves. See the beauty and the space.


Treasure is a red-orange seahorse with green eyes and a golden mane and unicorn horn. He often wears a golden necklace decorated with emeralds.


Treasure enjoys shiny things and hunts for them to adorn his castle with.[1]

Magical Gift

He is a seahorse, of course! He can breathe underwater and has an uncanny ability to find treasures.



Treasure's mate is Edana, and together they rule over the herd Islandar.

Brine and Kora

Edana and Treasure have one filly together, Kora, and one colt, Brine.


Coral is Treasure's niece on his wife's side.


In "Treasures" , Treasure shares the same special treasure with the pirate-horse, Parlez. These are the only horses in "Treasures" to share the same treasure.

It is uncertain what Treasure and Parlez's relationship is: did Parlez steal Treasure's treasure chest, or do they share in its riches together?


In the Bella Sara game for the Nintendo DS, Treasure is described as Bella's friend.

Inspirational Message

Danish Gold Icon “Follow me beneath the waves. See the beauty and the space.”
Baby Bella Icon “Start your day by seeing the beauty in the space around you.”

Second Series Icon “Suis-moi sous les flots et profite du calme et des splendeurs de cet endroit.”
Baby Bella Icon “Commence ta journée en reconnaissant la beauté de l’endroit où tu te trouves.”

Second Series Icon “Folge mir in die Welt unter Wasser, und sieh dir an, wie schön sie ist.”

Second Series Icon “Seguimi tra le onde. Guarda quanto è bello ciò che ti circonda.”
Royalty Icon “Seguimi tra le onde. Vedrai meraviglie e spazi sconfinati.”
The Best of Bella Sara Icon “Seguimi tra le onde. Cogline la bellezza.”





  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.

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Danish Gold Icon Toffee
Second Series Icon Thunder
Baby Bella Icon Toboggan
Treasures Icon Tramontane
Royalty Icon Thunder
The Best of Bella Sara Icon Thunder

Danish Gold Icon Trudy
Second Series Icon Wavebreaker
Baby Bella Icon North American Numbering Wodan International Numbering Tumbleweed
Treasures Icon Valkrist
Royalty Icon Uranus
The Best of Bella Sara Icon Venus

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