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Waterpearl & Waterpearl Tadpole


Be thankful for the happy times you share with your friends.


Whimsy is a pink unicorn filly with a white mane and tail. Her horn is also pink and very long. She has four white socks and pink hooves with darker pink eyes.


She is a fun-loving filly who enjoys frolicking in snow-covered fields with winged otters. Her chaotic little buddies lead her on many adventures, often filled with reckless folly. [1][2]

Magical Gift

Whimsy's horn is able to produce a clear, white light.


Dart and Primrose

Whimsy has two siblings, Dart and Primrose.

Pink Lady and Royce 

Whimsy's parents are Pink Lady and Royce. She most resembles her mother.

Inspirational Message

Baby Bella Icon "Be thankful for the happy times you share with your friends."

Baby Bella Icon "Sois reconnaissante des moments heureux que tu passes avec tes amis."




  1. Information Retrieved from Bellapedia Screenshot
  2. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the bellasara.wiki.gg staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.

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