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American Quarter Horse

Anigan & Chucklepuck

Keep your heart open. Believe in getting and giving love.


Anemone is a beautiful cream pegasus mare with a rich coral mane and tail and swirly, rich, coral butterfly-shaped wings. Her coat is tinted with bubblegum-pink, and her mane and tail have a hint of magenta in them that match her coat perfectly. Her hair is woven with Cloud Blossoms- delicate, white, four-petaled flowers that grow within the clouds. Her wings are the same color as her mane and tail, but have swirls of light pink in them as well.

In Royalty, she is seen wearing a gold laurel crown with pink gems on it.

Anemone is largely considered one of the most beautiful mares in North of North by many horses and humans.[1] [2]


Anemone is a gentle and loving mare who always finds something to love in those around her. She doesn't hold on to anger and loves even those who may have wronged her in the past.

Magical Gift

Anemone holds the power to herd the clouds with the help of the whiffle bears. She summons rainclouds and blocks the sun to make it cooler, and blows the clouds away to let the sun shine through.[1]



Uranus is Anemone's mate and the king of Herd Airistos. Though she didn't want anything to do with the proud stallion at first, Uranus's persistence and perception ultimately won Anemone over.

Uranus noticed her love of the Cloud Blossoms and that they were the only flowers that grew where she lived. He paid a visit to Rosebriar, and returned to Anemone with a single rose. She finally took notice and the two have been together since.[3]

Cirra and Ebenos

Anemone and Uranus have two foals: a filly, Cirra, and a colt, Ebenos.

Whiffle Bear

Anemone's closest magical friends are the whiffle bears. They enjoy flying through the clouds together and decorating each other with beautiful flowers.

The Name Game

Anemone's name comes from the Greek word for the four winds: Anemoi. In mythological terms, the four winds (north, east, south, west) were Boreas, Notus, Eurus, and Zephyrus. Two of these names are actually horses in Herd Airistos, Notos is the Keeper of the Summer Winds, and Zephyros is the herd Steward. Boreas is in Herd Starlight, and Euros is in an unknown herd.[4] Anemone also can mean "windflower" in Greek. [5]

Anemone may also be named after the species of flower sharing the same name. The flowers are small perennial flowers with many different variations. Some variations come in similar colors of white and red to Anemone. According to Greek legend, the flowers were created by the goddess Venus when she sprinkled the blood of her dead lover Adonis. The petals are supposedly fragile and easily blown away, similar to Venus' emotions during this time.[6] 


Anemone was voted a fan favorite, likely on the Bella Sara website. [7]

Inspirational Message

Magical Friends Icon “Keep your heart open. Believe in getting and giving love.”
Baby Bella Icon “Keep your heart open. Let love flow around you and in you.”

Spring Carnival Icon “Měj své srdce otevřené. Věř v dávání přijímání lásky.”

Royalty Icon “Laisse ouvertes les portes de ton cœur. Aie la foi : tu recevras et tu donneras de l’amour.”
Baby Bella Icon “Que ton cœur reste ouvert. Laisse l'amour t'entourer et t'imprégner.”

Magical Friends Icon “Behalte ein offenes Herz und den Glauben daran, Liebe zu geben und zu bekommen.”
Baby Bella Icon “Bewahre ein offenes Herz. Lass die Liebe in dir und um dich herum fließen.”

Magical Friends Icon “Lascia aperto il tuo cuore, per donare e ricevere amore.”
Royalty Icon “Non chiudere il tuo cuore. Chi dona amore riceve amore.”
The Best of Bella Sara Icon “Apri il tup cupre. Credi nel ricevere e dare amore.”

Spring Carnival Icon “Держи сердце открытым: любовь, которую даришь, имеет особую ценность.”





  1. 1.0 1.1 Information Retrieved from Bellapedia Screenshot
  2. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  3. Information Retrieved from Baby Bella Storybook Screenshot
  4. Anemoi. (July 9, 2020). Retrieved August 5, 2020 from
  5. The Ultimate Guide to Trading Card Games. Michael G. Ryan. Pg. 60
  6. Anemone. (July 16, 2020). Retrieved August 5, 2020 from
  7. The Ultimate Guide to Trading Card Games. Michael G. Ryan. Pg. 60

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Magical Friends Icon North American Numbering Zephan International Numbering None
Baby Bella Icon Tumbleweed
Royalty Icon Alina
Spring Carnival Icon None
The Best of Bella Sara Icon Amor

Magical Friends Icon North American Numbering Ara International Numbering Anigan
Baby Bella Icon Whimsy
Royalty Icon Aviva
Spring Carnival Icon Athena
The Best of Bella Sara Icon Aphrodite

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