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You don't have to reach your goal today. Just take one more step.


Anthea has a mahogany coat and a blue, orange, yellow, and brown wavy mane and tail. Her wings are like a butterfly's and are the same color as her mane, minus the brown. Her muzzle is a soft light brown, and her hooves are scarlet. In her stable design, her mane and tail appear deep red. [1]


Anthea is very patient and never rushes anything. She doesn't mind taking just one more day to reach an amazing conclusion.

Magical Gift

Anthea's beautiful wings gift her with the power of flight.


Flower Flitter

Anthea's magical friends are the flower flitters. She loves to play around with them whenever she feels the urge to have fun.


Anthea is close friends with Minty. The sweet mare is constantly encouraging Anthea to reach her goals, which can sometimes take a while.

The Name Game

Anthea is most likely named after one of the Graces in Greek mythology, Antheia. Her name meant "blossom," and she was often depicted with many flowers. She was also considered one of the descendants of Aphrodite and was the goddess of vegetation, gardens, blossoms, and human love. She was worshipped most in the springtime, and her center of worship was the island of Crete.[2]

Inspirational Message

Moonfairies Icon “You don't have to reach your goal today. Just take one more step.”

Magical Friends Icon “Tu n’es pas obligée d’atteindre ton but aujourd’hui. Contente-toi de faire un pas dans sa direction.”
Moonfairies Icon “Pas besoin d'atteindre ton objectif dès aujourd'hui. Contente-toi d'avancer d'un pas dans sa direction.”

Magical Friends Icon “Du musst dein Ziel nicht heute erreichen. Ein kleiner Schritt in die richtige Richtung genügt.”

Magical Friends Icon “Non devi raggiungere oggi i tuoi obiettivi. Prenditi il tuo tempo.”
Moonfairies Icon “Non c'è bisogno che tu raggiunga il tuo obiettivo oggi. Fa' un passo alla volta.”





  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. Antheia. (March 5, 2020). Retrieved August 5, 2020 from

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