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Find joy in being with others. Use it to spin your own web of delight.


Apache is a small palomino pony with a white swirl on her front right shoulder and four white socks that fade into swirls. Her muzzle is black. She wears a pale green blanket with light yellow patterns on her back. [1]


Apache is a very social horse who enjoys the company of her friends and family. She loves dreamcatchers because they remind Apache of a spider's web.[2] She is a gentle horse who is well loved by everyone. She creates family wherever she goes. [3]



Apache has a special connection with spiders. She especially likes looking at their beautiful webs.

Navajo's Snake

Apache is good friends with the clever snake.[2]

The Name Game

"The tribe this steed is based on were located in the vast homeland that stretched west to east from Arizona to Texas and north to Colorado. Apaches share language roots and culture with the Navajos. The best known Apache was Geronimo.

The basis of Apache culture is the family unit. Extended families were only loosely aligned with each other, and unified, centralized politics was unknown. Apache families were matrilineal. Upon marrying, a man went to live with his wife’s extended family. Grandmothers possessed a powerful status, but there was a custom forbidding a wife’s mother from speaking to her daughter’s husband. Apaches developed a friendly trade relationship with the Pueblos, but fought with the Comanche when that tribe encroached on Apache lands. They also fought wars against the United States. Apaches built wickiups, frame structures covered with matted bark or brush, similar to wigwams."[4]

Inspirational Message

Native Lights Icon “Find joy in being with others. Use it to spin your own web of delight.”

Native Lights Icon “Apprécie le temps que tu passes avec les autres. Sers-t’en pour tisser ta toile de plaisir.”

Native Lights Icon “Das Glück liegt darin, mit Freunden zusammen zu sein.”

Native Lights Icon “La gioia che provi nello stare con gli altri crea la trama per la tua felicità.”





  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the bellasara.wiki.gg staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Information retrieved from The Ultimate Sticker Collection
  3. From The Ultimate Sticker Collection
  4. Information Retrieved from Bellapedia Screenshot

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