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Fly with me to the stars and we will be surrounded by light.


Minty has a mint green coat with a cream mane, tail, and hooves. Her mane and tail have highlights of sparkly purple. She has light pink fairy wings with darker purple trim and little cream dots. Her eyes are dark and gentle, with long lashes.[1]


Minty enjoys flying among the stars. She enjoy basking in their beautiful light.

Magical Gift

Minty is a pegasus, which gives her the power of flight. Her mane and tail also sparkle. She also seems to be able to fly in space, similar to horses in Herd Starlight.



Minty is friends with Anthea.

Inspirational Message

Danish Copper Icon “Fly with me to the stars and we will be surrounded by light.”

Moonfairies Icon “Leť se mnou ke hvězdám a budeme obklopeni světlem.”

Moonfairies Icon “Emmène-moi jusqu'aux étoiles et nous nous baignerons dans leur lumière !”

Moonfairies Icon “Fliege mit mire zu den Sternen. Wir werden vom Licht umgeben sein.”

Moonfairies Icon “Vola con me fino alle stelle e saremo circondati dalla luce.”




  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.

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