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Autumn & Falltide Leafkin

Use kind words when you talk about yourself.


Atalaya is a dark brown and cream piebald mare whose spots mimic the scale patterns of her magical friends. Her wavy mane and tail are long and cream-colored, and her mane appears to trail off in smoke-like wisps. She has dark eyes and dark brown hooves.


Atalaya is very positive about herself and others, and she hates hearing people talk negatively about themselves. She spends much of her time with her magical friends in the Borderlands, where she makes her home, playing with them around the various thermal pools, geysers, and mud pits. [1]



Atalaya's magical friends are the Grecklesaurs. She is similar to them in size and helps them look out for danger or even stomp out fires if need be, as she shares their aversion to flame.

The Name Game

In Spanish, the word "atalaya" means "watchtower."[2] The name has been used for a number of towns, principalities, and settlements throughout Spain and Peurto Rico.[3]

Inspirational Message

Magical Friends Icon “Use kind words when you talk about yourself.”

Magical Friends Icon “Parle avec gentillesse et douceur quand tu parles de toi.”

Magical Friends Icon “Sprich von dir selbst nur mit freundlichen Worte.”

Magical Friends Icon “Quando parli di te stessa, usa parole gentili.”




  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. What does atalaya mean in Spanish? Retrieved August 6, 2020 from
  3. Atalaya. (May 24, 2020). Retrieved August 6, 2020 from

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