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Your friendships are strong and loving.


Arim looks very similar to his dam. He has the same brown-and-white paint coloration on his coat, just with more white than she has. His short, fluffy mane is mostly white with a big patch of black in the middle, and his equally fluffy tail is all white. He has dark brown hooves and bright blue eyes.[2] [3]


Arim is incredibly playful and makes friends easily. He is also a good judge of relationships for his age, being able to read which friendships he can truly depend on and grow those that need to be strengthened.

Magical Gifts

Arim acquired his father’s ability to walk on water. He enjoys playing on the same lake as his parents Embarr and Freja.



Embarr is Arim's sire. They enjoy frolicking together over land and water with his sister as Embarr teaches them to listen to the sound of their hearts' music.


Freja is Arim's dam. She is a solid rock for Arim to lean against.


Mira is Arim's twin sister and his oldest friend. Although she can sometimes be more logical than Arim would prefer, he knows he can always count on her to come through when he needs her. They are often described as each other's "mirror image".


Orion is Arim's maternal grandsire,[1] or "damsire".


Star is Arim's maternal granddam. She always stresses the importance of letting his goodness shine through.


Sirius is Arim's great-uncle.

The Name Game

Arim's name may refer to two Persian villages located in Iran with the same name. The name itself is Arabic.[4] It also happens to be his sister's name spelled backwards, furthering the theme of the two of them being opposites.

According to the artist, Arim's original name was meant to be Ror.[5]


Arim's Baby Bella artwork was originally created to match with all members of the family, creating one big image! [6]

Inspirational Message

Baby Bella Icon “Your friendships are strong and loving.”

Baby Bella Icon “Les amitiés que tu entretiens sont des liens puissants et pleins d’amour.”

Baby Bella Icon “Deine Freundschaft ist stark und voller Liebe.”

Baby Bella Icon “Le tue amicizie sono forti e affettuose.”





  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Information retrieved from "Foals" Series
  2. "Baby Name Arim meaning and Astrology." Moonastro. Retrieved August 3, 2020, from,Little%20Star%3B%20Near%20to%20God
  3. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  4. Arim. (December 27, 2019). Retrieved August 6, 2020 from
  5. Mira. (October 10, 2008). Retrieved August 15, 2020 from
  6. The Ultimate Guide to Trading Card Games. Michael G. Ryan. Pg. 48

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