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Beau & Chromeling

Bella & Starstone Otter

Bring one of your friends and come play with me.


Beauty is a chestnut filly with a diamond-shaped star on her forehead. Her coat and mane are chestnut colored. Her card also shows a light-colored horse in the background, who could be Beauty's mother.


Beauty is a very playful foal who doesn't like to be lonely. She is very loving and welcoming.[1]

Inspirational Message

Danish Silver Icon “Arrange to play with one of your friends and join me.”
First Series Icon “Bring one of your friends and come play with me.”

Second Series Icon “Amène un de tes amis et jouons ensemble.”

Second Series Icon “Bring eine Freundin mit, dann spielen wir zusammen.”

Second Series Icon “Scegli una tua amica e vieni a giocare con me.”

Second Series Icon “Trae a uno de tus amigos a jugar conmigo.”




  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.

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Danish Silver Icon Angel
First Series Icon Artemis
Second Series Icon Artemis

Danish Silver Icon Bella
First Series Icon Blackie
Second Series Icon Blackie

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