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I love the dark. That's when the most beautiful stars come out.


Cassiopeia is a young woman with pale skin and long black hair tied into a ponytail and decorated with gold and blue ropes and flowers.

She wears a long-sleeved blue dress similar to a traditional Chinese qipao with golden accents. Under her dress is a light blue underskirt. She carries a lantern and a golden staff with her.[1]


Cassiopeia, who goes more commonly by her nickname "Cassie", is the keeper of the starmap. She loves when it is dark outside as she can see the beautiful stars above best at night. She can sometimes be seen carrying a telescope from time to time, which she uses to look at the stars. [2]


Cassie comes from a family of starkeepers, human friends of Herd Starlight. Recently she was given their greatest treasure: a magic map that shows all the stars exactly as they are overhead, no matter where one may be or what time it is. Cassie uses the Starmap to help Emma find Herd Starlight. [2]



Cassie's steed is Eclipse.


Cassiopeia is close friends with the sun cat, Zenith, who helps her guard the starmap. [2]


"I love the dark. That's when the most beautiful stars come out." - Cassie [3]



  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Starlights card Stargazing
  3. "Starlights" card "Cassiopeia and Zenith"

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