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Spend your time on things that matter. The rest will take care of itself.


Deru is Colm and Emma's faithful friend. She is a type of nature spirit called a dryad, and despite this, she is normal size, resembling a human child in appearance.

Deru has tan skin and long black hair that is held in a ponytail covered in flowers and vines. Her clothing is often made up of petals or leaves, which change depending on the season. If she stood still enough you might mistake her for a lotus flower![1]

Her most common dress is pink in color with the skirt resembling a lotus flower. She also wears a green belt around her waist and vine like straps around her legs. She wears a longer and more detailed version of this dress in Spring Carnival.

In Bella’s Ball, Deru wears a white version of her Spring Carnival ensemble with a flower crown of white poinsettias and her hands have white details on them that make them resemble gloves, the same white details appear on her feet, making it seem like she’s wearing ballet slippers.

In both Starlights and Winter Festival, Deru wears a leaf crown with red berries and the end of her ponytail has a poinsettia flower hair clip. She also wears a white dress with green detailing such as the arm bands and fur, and light green leggings along with a pair of green boots with red berry details.


Although she and Twig used to live in the Drasilmare tree, soaking up its wisdom, they are still playful and fun to be around, and not serious. [2] Deru is easygoing, and can sometimes be a bit of a pushover when it comes to her friends and their wishes. [3]

Deru has always like watching Canter Hollow folks skate. When she tried it herself, it was a lot harder than it looked! But she kept practicing, and now she can do all sorts of fancy spins and jumps. She even taught her pipsqueak friends to skate with her. Deru's steed, Twig, comes along to please her, but Twig hasn't got the hang of skating yet. [4]

Deru sleeps in the boughs of the tree Sunnivir that grows in Rolandsgaard Castle's ballroom.[5]

Magical Gift

Deru, as a dryad, gets all of her magic from growdust that rains down during spring.[6][7] She is also able to grow her own clothes at will, and to make various plants grow immediately. [8] She can sense the energy of the Greenroads.[9]


Emma and Colm

Deru goes everywhere with Emma and Colm when Emma's Valkyrie duties call her back into action. The two are her new best friends, and she is always ready to travel by their sides and offer them her limitless knowledge of North of North![2] Deru seems to have a fondness for Colm as well.[10]


Deru's steed is Twig. She and Twig are the heart and soul of the world tree Drasilmare.


During Summer Camp, Applejack is Deru's Wild Ride steed.


Deru loves the Pipsqueak Longtails, and makes new friends with them anywhere she goes. She also enjoys giving them each individual names. [11]

Inspirational Message

Spend your time on things that matter. The rest will take care of itself.


"The girl is Pippa, and the boys are Pip and Pippin."

"Deru's stories were Emma's favorite part of their summer camping trips."

English: "Winter Festival is one of my favorite times of year."
Polish; „Zimowy Festiwal to jedno z moich ulubionych świąt w roku.”



  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Information Collaborated across all Sources
  3. Conrad S., Saling B. M., Hacker M. (2011). Emma and the Lost Herds. (pp. 3). Seattle, WA: Hidden City Entertainment. Retrieved from
  4. Information Retrieved from Starlights card Skating Lesson
  5. Lost Herds Cont. (pp. 247)
  6. Information Retrieved from Spring Carnival Costume Fitting, Raising the Storm, Magical Friends Float, and Growdust
  7. Bella Sara Magical Horses. (February 28, 2013). Retrieved August 27, 2020 from
  8. Lost Herds Cont. (pp. 2, 136-138)
  9. Lost Herds Cont. (pp.59)
  10. Lost Herds Cont. (pp. 23, 70, 122, 125, 130, 138, 140, 164, 167-168, 218-221, 315)
  11. Information Retrieved from "Starlights" cards "Deru & Pipsqueaks" and Skating Lesson

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Bella's Ball Icon Colm
Sunflowers Icon Soot & Colm
Moonfairies Icon Soot & Colm
Starlights Icon Colm & Frostbite
Spring Carnival Icon Soot & Colm
Summer Camp Icon Colm
Winter Festival Icon Colm
The Best of Bella Sara Icon Coral

Bella's Ball Icon Emma
Sunflowers Icon Wings & Emma
Moonfairies Icon Wings & Emma
Starlights Icon Emma & Friska
Spring Carnival Icon Wings & Emma
Summer Camp Icon Emma
Winter Festival Icon Emma
The Best of Bella Sara Icon Diamond