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"Never judge the pack by the size of the stack." - North of North saying.


Citrustacks are fluffy creatures that resemble a haystack. They have small black eyes, and come in any color and size imaginable.[1]


Citrustacks love to clean! They are the tidiest creatures in North of North, and often live with human families and help them keep their homes clean.

Magical Gift

Citrustacks are able to summon their fellow citrustack friends with their high voices, calling them to their aid in times of trouble.[2]

Notable Citrustacks

Mother Comfort's Citrustacks

Four famous Citrustacks assist Mother Comfort in cleaning her home and enjoy eating her candies. They can change color when given different colored candies, and like to sing in high voices.[3]


Shine Anders has a tiny blue citrustack named Blue who helps her polish jewelry at her family's jewelry store.[4]

The Name Game

In French, Citrustacks are known as "Barbapapaille", and in Italian, "Lemoro".





  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. Brown F., Jakubowski N. (April 21, 2009). Harmony's Journey. New York, NY: HarperCollins.
  3. Information Retrieved from Online Storybooks Circa. 2019
  4. Conrad S., Saling B. M., Hacker M. (2011). Emma and the Lost Herds. (pp. 233). Seattle, WA: Hidden City Entertainment. Retrieved from

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