Harmony's Journey

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"An evil maestro is set on becoming the most powerful musician in North of North. He wants to steal music from all the land. Can a young girl Lorelei and a musical foal named Harmony stop his wicked plan?"

"Laure, une jeune fille a la voix melodieuse, est poursuivie par le Chef d'orchestre: il vole la musique des autres pour devenir le plus grand musicien du Nord de Septentrion. Laure reussira-t-elle a mettre fin a son plan diabolique ? Harmony, la jument a la lyre doree, pourrait bien etre une alliee precieuse..."


Burke Cawfield

Burke is a man in league with the Maestro. He tricks the group into eating oatmeal that puts them to sleep and steels Harmony's lyre. He also locks them into a barn, and tells the horse's parents that they were seen going a different direction than they were. He is able to turn into a golden crow with his magic.


Dart is a young, winged horse who is friends with Harmony and Moonsprite. He is ambitious, and always tries to fly great distances, even though he barely knows how to use his wings!

Dewdrop and the Dew Ponies

The dew ponies were heading to the Festival of Lights when they come across Lorelei and the fillies. They help Lorelei reach the festival in time.


Harmony is young filly with great musical talent. She is able to magically play her golden Lyre. When she meets Lorelei, they play music together and quickly become friends. However, when she learns Lorelei was being controlled by the Maestro, she grows angry and upset at being trapped. Gradually, she forgives Lorelei, and they grow to have a special bond.

Lorelei Stemmel

Lorelei is a twelve year old girl with a talent for music. She and her sister were taken in my the Maestro and made to do his bidding after their parents died in a fire. At the beginning of the book she finds herself in a forest with no memory, near a herd of horses, where she meets Harmony, Dart, and Moonsprite. Harmony begins playing beautiful music and Lorelei sings along with her, before she hears her sister's voice and goes to try and find her with the horses following. However, before they can find her, they are teleported to the Maestro using his music box, and Lorelei's memories suddenly return. She is then put under the control of the Maestro's magical baton, along with her new friends, and they are made to perform for him. They try to fight against the Maestro, but he escapes with Serena and Bongo the Tomtomme trapped inside his music box. Lorelei and the fillies then decide they must go after him to the Festival of Lights to rescue their friends. They go after them, and experience many hardships on the way, including crossing a raging river where they are almost swept away, and Lorelei manages to gain Harmony's forgiveness for trapping her in the first place. They then meet Burke, and become trapped. They are rescued by Moonsprite becoming transparent with her magic and passing through the walls the barn they are trapped in. However, Burke escapes as well. Then, they meet the dew ponies and catch a quick ride to the festival. They arrive and find the Maestro making Serena and Bongo perform. Lorelei tries to stop him, but the Maestro uses his magic on her to make her sing. Harmony plays her lyre, and breaks the Maestro's monocle, and Moonsprite startles him into dropping his music box. Then, Dart duels him with his horn and Lorelei watches as he pushes the citrustacks off a cliff, only to be saved by Dart who finally manages to fly properly. Lorelei then grabs the Meastro's baton, and pushes him into his own music box, and frees his prisoners. To celebrate, they all play one more song together, and the horse's parents find them, and Lorelei and Serena are offered a place in Mrs. Ronata's academy, near where Harmony's heard lives.[1]

The Maestro

The Maestro is an evil musician who makes his money by using his magical baton and monicle to control musical beings into playing music for him. He forces Lorelei to sing, and places Harmony under his thrall as well. He is able to trap humans and creatures in his magic music box, which is where he keeps Serena and Bongo. He is also able to use his magic monocle to get crowds to give him money.

Magical Creatures

A number of magical friends are mentioned in this story, including citrustacks, Bongo the Tomtomme, a whiffle bear, a pufferfox, a gemdigger dog, and a harp seal (a magical creature that is never mentioned again nor pictured.)


Moonsprite is a friend of Harmony and Dart. She is swept up in their adventures as well. Moonsprite uses her ability to pass through walls to save her friends in this story.

Mr. Smithin

Mr. Smithin is able to lock the Meastro permanently in his music box by crafting a lock.

Mrs. Ronata

Mrs. Ronata runs the Polyphony Academy of Music. At Harmony's request, she offers Serena and Lorelei a place in her academy.

Serena Stemmel

Serena is Lorelei's eight year old sister. She is described as having curly hair.


A list of locations mentioned in this book are:



  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the bellasara.wiki.gg staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.