Coral and the Pearl Diver

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"A beautiful water horse, Coral is destined to meet a special girl in need of her guidance. Coral must lead the young girl to important discoveries that will change the course of their destinies forever."

"Miki est fille de pecheurs. Pour une raison mysterieuse, la barriere de corail se meurt tandis que les perles et le poisson se font rares. Mais la jeune fille est decidee a sauver son village et son ile. Guidee par Coral, le cheval des mers, elle decouvre un Royaume magique au fond de l'ocean... ou un grand destin l'attend!"

Plot and Characters


Coral first appears to Miki on the coast when Miki dives under the water. She then rescues Miki from a shark at Hazard Point and gives her a fire away from the area. She then offers Miki a ride around, and helps her to breathe underwater with her magic. She later saves Lealoni and Miki from a kraken, and takes her to Herd Islandar's territory to fetch the Heart of the Sea.[1]

Councillor Echevar

Echevar is a member of Herd Islandar, and an advisor to the King, Queen, and Coral.


Leoloni is Miki's friend. They grew up together and are quite close. She is a bit headstrong, and will do anything to impress her friends, including braving Hazard Point.


Mahina is mentioned as the guardian of the Heart of the Sea. She fights the kraken with Coral and Miki.


The old "water witch" Mesmeera is an old woman who was mocked and shunned for her belief in sea monsters near the Island. She is a water sage as well. She informs Miki why the reef is dying, and what she must do to save it.

Miki Vann

Miki lives on Islands of Equinesia, on Awdi Salaca. She and her family are luna pearl divers. At the beginning of the story, Miki is challenged by Shad and his friends to dive off of the highest point on the coast, Silver Rock. She completes an effortless dive, and while under the water she sees a red water filly. They are interrupted by Shad who attempts to dive but flops into the water and scares the filly away. She then goes with her family to a local festival that celebrates the annual eruption of the island's volcano. The Islanders are celebrating and eagerly awaiting the fire spoops that protect the luna pearls and fish that the Islanders rely on. However, after the festivities are over, the fire spoops all leave. This spells disaster for their people, and suggests the reef is dying. Miki wants to help her family, so she suggests diving for pearls at Hazard Point where there are many shiver sharks. Her friends say no. She then has a dream that night about Coral, and has a feeling that her friend Leolani might try to go to Hazard Point. She paddles there and tries to dive and fish for oysters. She finds a few pearls but is almost attacked by a shark before being rescued by Coral. Coral gives her a ride and helps her breathe underwater with her magic. Coral leaves but promises to visit again. She brings her pearls to her family, but frustrated by the dying reef and Coral's disappearance, she snaps at her friend Lealoni. Lealoni then goes missing, and Miki finds her at Hazard Point in danger. She calls for Coral, who helps her rescue Lealoni, but they are then attacked by a giant kraken. When she tells the other islandars what she's seen, they don't believe her, and she rides on Coral to visit Mesmeera. Mesmeera tells Miki that Coral is royalty, and that the reef is dying and the kraken, Uloo, are returning because the pearl divers have taken all the luna pearls that gave light to the reefs. Miki learns she and Coral must fetch the largest luna pearl, the Heart of the Sea, and bring it to the reef. They go together to Herd Islandar's territory, Celestial Deep, and she asks the court for the Heart of the Sea. Treasure and Edana agree to help her, and the court agrees to bring the Heart of the Sea back to the reef. Coral gifts Miki a golden pearl before they leave. The caravan is then attacked by Uloo, and with the help of Mahina, Miki and Coral fight him off. Miki talks to the Heart of the Sea and promises to respect the pearls from now on if the pearl will help them. The oyster then opens and illuminates the reef, defeating the kraken and shiver sharks. They return to tell Mesmeera and invite her home, but she was she is fine where she is. She reveals that Miki's pearl gift from Coral has a drop of golden essence in it that will bring life to anything, so Miki uses it to bring life back to the reef.

Miki's Parents

Miki's parents are mentioned in the book, and are both pearl divers as well.


Shad is another friend of Lealoni and Miki. He looks tough but is actually quite sensitive. He occasionally teases the girls, but all in good-natured fun.

Treasure and Edana

The king and queen of Herd Islandar make an appearance in this story. They both offer to help Awadi Salaca with the Heart of the Sea.

Various Islanders

A number of islanders are mentioned briefly by name in this story, including twin boys named Kei and Wilai, a girl named Peloni, an elder, and Leoloni and Shad's parents.

Various Magical Friends

A number of magical friends are mentioned in this story, including Fire Spoops, shining plankton, shiver sharks, oysters, finlings, yulung dragons, glowing fish, giant squids, a kraken, glimmer eels, a talking parrotfish named Polyo, and Spark who is Queen Edana's glimmer eel.


Vegar is Miki's elder brother. He is chosen as the Light Bearer in the festival who welcomes the lava horses who bring the fire spoops to the reef.


A list of locations mentioned in this book are:

  • Awdi Salaca
  • Bahura Reef
  • Broad Beach
  • Celestial Deep (aka Herd Islandar Territory)
  • Equinesian Seas
  • Four Palms
  • Hazard Point
  • Islands of Equinesia
  • Islandar Castle
  • Mesmeera's Island
  • Mount Salaca
  • Silver Rock



  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.