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Look for the truth in unexpected places.


Euros is a tan steed with a curly black mane and tail. He also has strong golden, feathered wings.[1]


Euros is always searching for truth. He hopes to learn from everyone, and discover the deepest truths of the universe.

Magical Gift

As a pegasus, Euros is, of course, able to fly.

The Name Game

Euros was the god of the east wind, one of the four directional Anemoi (Wind-Gods). He was associated with the season of autumn and dwelt near the palace of the sun-god Helios in the far east.[2]

Promo Info

Ancient Lights 

Euros was introduced as an "Ancient Lights" promo card and was given out for free to customers at participating stores during the month of October, 2007.[3]

Euros's card could also have been bought on the Bella Sara Online Store for $4.50.[4]


Euros is also a promo card for the "Mythology" series. His card can be randomly found in the 2009 Easter Embossed Tins.[5]

Inspirational Message

Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon “Look for the truth in unexpected places.”

Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon “Cherche la vérité à l'edroit le plus inattendu.”

Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon “Suche nach der Wahrheit, wo du sie am Wenigsten erwartest.”

Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon “Cerca la verità nei luoghi più inaspettati.”

Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon “Busca la verdad en lugares inesperados.”



  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. "EUROS." Retrieved on September 24, 2020, from
  3. Launch Kits Support 'Ancient Lights'. (2007, October 2). Retrieved July 13, 2020, from
  4. Rare Euros Trading Card. (Jan 4, 2010). Retrieved on May 23, 2021, from
  5. Confirmed buyer and Admin User:BreezyBay

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Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon North American Release Boreas European Release Erinn

Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon North American Release Notos European Release Lugh

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