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Use your quick mind to solve your problems.


Lugh is a pure white steed with a single cream horn, feathered hooves, and a curly white mane and tail.[1]


Lugh is very smart, and he knows using his wisdom and knowledge is important to solving problems effectively.

Magical Gift

Lugh is able to produce a soft white glow from his hooves when he runs.

The Name Game

Lugh is one of the most prominent gods in Irish mythology. He is a member of the Tuatha Dé Danann and portrayed as a warrior, a king, a master craftsman, and a savior. Lugh is associated with oaths, truth, law, the harvest festival, and skill and mastery in multiple disciplines, including the arts.[2]

Promo Info

Northern Lights

Lugh was introduced as a "Northern Lights" promo. His and jumbo-sized "Northern Lights" Bella promo cards were handed out for free to convention-goers at the Bella Sara booth on Saturday, August 9th, during Gen Con Indy 2007.


Lugh is also a promo card for the "Mythology" series. His card can be randomly found in the 2009 Easter Embossed Tins.[3]


Lugh's card was inspired by one of the four legendary treasures of Ireland, Spear Lúin. [4]

Inspirational Message

Northern Lights Icon “Use your quick mind to solve your problems.”

Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon “Un esprit vif vient a bout de tous les problemes.”

Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon “Löse schlan deine Probleme!”

Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon “Se imparerai a usare la tua testa, potrai risolvere ogni problema.”

Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon “Usa la cabeza para resolver tus problemas.”



  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. Lugh. (August 4, 2020). Retrieved August 15, 2020 from
  3. Confirmed buyer and Admin User:BreezyBay
  4. The Ultimate Guide to Trading Card Games. Michael G. Ryan. Pg. 49

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