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Close your eyes and hear the sound around you.


Freya is a tan pinto with blue eyes, a pink muzzle, a white star and snip, three white socks (two front and one back left), and a black, tan, and white mane. Part of her mane is braided and tied with a blue ribbon.[2]

Freja's "Bella Gold" card art is reused in the unreleased "Foals" series, thus implying that Freja was just a foal in her original card and a full-grown mare in her "Baby Bella" card.


Freja enjoys spending time reflecting on the quietness around her.


Orion and Star

Freja's parents are Orion and Star.[1]


Sirius is Orion's brother and Freja's uncle.


Freja's mate is Embarr.

Arim and Mira

Freja and Embarr have twins, a colt and filly, Arim and Mira.

The Name Game

In Norse mythology, Freyja is a goddess associated with war, death, love, beauty, fertility, and gold. Freyja is the owner of the necklace Brísingamen, rides a chariot pulled by two cats, is accompanied by the boar Hildisvíni, and possesses a cloak of falcon feathers.[3]


  • Freja's Baby Bella artwork was originally created to match with all members of the family, creating one big image! [4]
  • Freja shares a name with one of the creator's daughters.[5]

Inspirational Message

Danish Copper Icon “Close your eyes and hear the sound around you.”
Baby Bella Icon “Close your eyes and hear the music of my heart.”

Second Series Icon “Ferme les yeux et écoute le monde autour de toi.”

Baby Bella Icon “Schließ die Augen und lausche der Musik meines Herzens.”

Second Series Icon “Chiudi gli occhi e ascolta i suoni attorno a te.”
Baby Bella Icon “Chiudi gli occhi, e ascolta la musica del mio cuore.”



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Information retrieved from "Foals" Series
  2. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  3. Freyja. (July 7, 2020). Retrieved August 9, 2020 from
  4. The Ultimate Guide to Trading Card Games. Michael G. Ryan. Pg. 48
  5. Information from

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Danish Gold Icon Fox
Second Series Icon Flipper
Baby Bella Icon North American Numbering Cirra International Numbering Ebenos
Foals and Foals 2017 Icon Foxtail

Danish Gold Icon Friends
Second Series Icon Hummingbird
Baby Bella Icon North American Numbering Fiona International Numbering Emberic
Foals and Foals 2017 Icon Gracie

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