Gemdigger Dog

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From a distance, gemdigger dogs resemble an unfamiliar species of canine, but a closer look reveals supernatural qualities: eyes of polished sardonyx and claws containing shards of diamonds. This allows them to dig through any substance no matter how dense.[1]


Jewel is the Gem Digger Dog's best friend. The ability to sniff out gems led to Jewel and the gemdigger dogs' friendship. One morning, Jewel woke to find herself surrounded by a group of gemdigger dogs who had been drawn by her bejeweled beauty. Since then, Jewel has nurtured a special relationship with the gemdigger dogs who are very dear to her. They love her in return and often bring her gifts in the form of rare gems.[1][2]

Magical Friend

These unique creatures also have an unusual attraction to rare minerals and have the ability to sniff out valuable materials like precious metals, gemstones, and the like.[1]


Gemdigger dogs are born of earth and stone, living in the heart of grand peaks and the core of mountainous divides. However, they can most often be found in the Amethyst Caves close to the shore on the Islands of Equinesia. The water illuminates the treasure-filled coves, and the gems reflect off of it, creating a multicolored glow.[1]





  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Information Retrieved from Jewel Bellapedia Screenshot
  2. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.

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