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I will keep you safe.


Halloween is a pure white ethereal horse surrounded by eerie effects: gnarled leafless trees, a dark night with a full moon, and pumpkins.[1]


Halloween is fearless and protective.

Magical Gift

A cold spectral glow surrounds Halloween, and this is part of his magic.[2]

The Name Game

Halloween, also known as All Hallow's Eve or All Saints Eve, is a holiday that takes place on October 31st in many countries. In Christianity, the holiday is a day to remember those who have passed on. In mainstream culture, Halloween traditions focus on spooky themes. Popular customs include carving pumpkins into jack-o-lanterns and going house to house for candy during trick-or-treating.[3]

Inspirational Message

Danish Copper Icon “I will keep you safe.”

Second Series Icon “Je te protégerai.”

Second Series Icon “Ich beschütze dich.”

Second Series Icon “Avrò cura di te.”

Second Series Icon “Estrás a salvo conmigo.”




  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the bellasara.wiki.gg staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. Information Retrieved from Bellapedia Circa. 2019
  3. Bellapedia Cont. and Halloween. (August 13, 2020). Retrieved August 14, 2020 from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halloween

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Danish Copper Icon Ghost
First Series Icon Grey
Second Series Icon Grey
Treasures Icon Gracie
Halloween Promo Icon Skeleton

Danish Copper Icon Honey
First Series Icon Hercules
Second Series Icon Hercules
Treasures Icon Harmony
Halloween Promo Icon None

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