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Create something beautiful. It will make you feel peaceful.


Honey is a golden honey color, like her namesake. She has a white stripe that starts as a large star on her forehead and thins out as it runs down her face before ending in another patch that is smaller than the one on her forehead. Her muzzle is brown with a pink snip. She has a blonde cream mane and tail, but her mane fades to pink at the end of her forelock.[2]


Honey appears to be fond of flowers, like a honey bee. She loves to create beautiful things and feel relaxed.[3]

Inspirational Message

Danish Copper Icon “Create something beautiful. It will make you feel peaceful.”

Second Series Icon “Crée quelque chose de beau et tu ressentiras la paix.”

Second Series Icon “Erschaffe schöne Dinge, sooft fu kannst. Es wird dir inneren Frieden bringen.”

Second Series Icon “Crea qualcosa di meraviglioso. Ti donerà serenità.”

Second Series Icon “Crea algo hermoso. Te hará sentir en paz.”




  1. Official Bella Sara Magazine (German) Issue 4, 2010
  2. Gender Confirmed by Bella Sara Magical Horses. (July 1, 2011). Retrieved August 14, 2020 from https://www.facebook.com/Bella-Sara-Magical-Horses-113038148761850/photos/a.113076728757992/165128763552788
  3. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the bellasara.wiki.gg staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.

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