Rolandsgaard Castle

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Rolandsgaard Castle is located at the exact center of Trail's End.[1]

The Castle

Rolandsgaard Castle is the most traditionally designed of all the Herd's castles. Situated on top of a cliff that rises high above the town, the castle is made of aurorite, a marble-like stone that shifts colors like the Auroraborus, with many carvings of Bella and horseshoes on the walls. The roofs of the various spires on the castle are colored in pinks and blues. [1]


There are three gates to enter the castle, two by road for horses and humans that would arrive on foot, and one by water, for those that would arrive by sea. There is also a large turret rising above the castle that is open to the air so that air horses also have an entrance as well. A huge opening in the ceiling, which Emma refers to as a portal, called "The Wind's Eye" allows these horses to enter and leave easily. It also provides a great place to see fireworks![2][3]

Winding Byway

This byway is a cobbled roadway that links the castle’s upper terraces with the lower terrace’s rolling countryside.[4]

Woodreach Span

This is a stone pedestrian bridge that spans the Fastalon River into the Darkcomb forest.[4]


This is an artesian spring aquifer that feeds water directly in to the castle. This mineral-rich spring is highly prized for its naturopathic qualities believed to bring health and long-life to those who bathe and drink from its revered source. The overflow bubbles energetically from under the castle to cascade in one spectacular drop to the rushing Fastalon a few hundred feet below.[4]


The castle has many rooms for its visitors and castle inhabitants, human and horse alike! For horse friends, there are hundreds of stables, as well as underground sea caves, they can call home.[1]

The History of the Castle

The castle is the family seat of power for the House of Rolanddotter. Sigga Rolanddotter, the Valkyrie protector of North of North built the castle soon after she first took up her Valkyrie mantle. Each Valkyrie was given a home world to watch over. North of North is the original land that the Valkyries came from so this castle and Sigga’s place as the defender of this world has a special significance.

Sigga Rolanddotter no longer directly controls Trails End and all its holdings for she dared love a mortal, and was forced to bear the consequences. Rolandsgaard, the jewel of Trails End, became barely a shadow of its former beauty, the luster all but gone. In Sigga’s absence the Castle’s daily routines were maintained, if barely. The house Steward oversaw maintenance, order, and general goings-on. People lost hope of Sigga or any successor ever returning. The castle was eventually brought back to life with Emma's return.

The castle superstructure was crafted from Aurorite, a highly prized marble-like stone hewn from the quarries of Whitemantle Mountain. The stone gets its name from the subtle shifting colors infused in the rock quartz from extended exposure to the shifting lights of the Auroborus. The tiles and crenellations on the high towers are crowned with pink coral, while blue seashells adorn the lower tiled roofs.

There has been great interest in Trails End thanks to its magnificent coastline and dramatic mountain vistas—Rolandsgaard Castle is unquestionably the heart of the estate.[4]

When Sigga the Valkyrie was in power, horses went everywhere, in and about the castle, the outbuildings, and surrounding landscapes. The estate was a place of magic and light; it hosted great balls and parties and amazing and exotic visitors appeared on special occasions. The Castle was, and remains, the home of the most famous horse ever, Bella. [5]

The Name Game

The official name is Rolandsgaard Castle, but many simply refer to it as Rolandsgaard. Later it was shortened even further to Roland Castle. All of the aforementioned names are used.[4]

Places Inside Rolandsgaard Castle



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Information from The Ultimate Sticker Collection
  2. Conrad S., Saling B. M., Hacker M. (2011). Emma and the Lost Herds (pp. 4). Seattle, WA: Hidden City Entertainment. Retrieved from
  3. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Behind-The-Scenes: Trail's End. (January 2, 2011). Retrieved August 20, 2020 from
  5. Gott C., Conard S., Boozer M., Hacker M., Saling B. M. (2009). The Bella Sara Ultimate Guide Updated Version (pp. 38) New York, NY: HarperCollins. Retrieved August 5, 2020 from

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