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I will help you spread peace and unity throughout the world.


King is a brown steed. He wears grey plated armor with gold and orange embellishments, and golden trim. His armor goes over his entire face, ears, neck and down his back and rump. He wears a red qulited saddle with brown trim decorated in orange gems. His green cloth harness and coat cover his entire body and most of his legs. They feature many embellishments, such as golden lions, folden trim, and swirling golden desings. His tail, and presumably his mane, are a dark brown. His armor and coat closely resemble that of a medieval knights.[1]


King's greatest goals are to spread peace and unity throughout the world.[2]

Promo Info

"Bella Copper"

King's promo could be found in any E-Game Starter Box.

Inspirational Message

Danish Copper Icon “I will help you spread peace and unity throughout the world.”

Second Series Icon “Je t’aiderai à répandre la paix et l’unité à travers le monde.”
Treasures Icon “Je t’aiderai à répandre la paix et l’unité dans le monde.”

Second Series Icon “Ich helfe dir, Frieden und Einigkeit in die Welt zu bringen.”

Second Series Icon “Ti aiuterò a diffondere la pace e la fratellanza per il mondo.”

Second Series Icon “Te ayudaré a extender la paz y la unidad por todo el mundo.”



  1. Mark Cartwright. "The Armour of an English Medieval Knight." June 13, 2018. Retrieved from
  2. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.

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