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Accept the past and move on to wonderful new things.


Nori is a horse that appears to be made out of frozen water similar to Lien. His light blue body appears to be semi-transparent, and his hair cascades down like a waterfall.[1]


Nori accepts the difficult things in his path, but doesn't dwell on them. Instead, he focuses on the future ahead of him.

Magical Gift

Nori is made entirely of frozen water, and is held together by magic. Even though he is made of ice, he won't melt in the sun due to his magic.


Arctic Meerkin

Nori's closest magical friend is the Arctic Meerkin.

The Name Game

Nori, or Nór, is a legendary king who supposedly founded Norway. He is supposedly a descendent of Norse gods. [2]

Inspirational Message

Magical Friends Icon "Accept the past and move on to wonderful new things."

Magical Friends Icon "Accepte le passé er va de l'avant, vers de nouvelles expériences merveilleuses."

Magical Friends Icon "Nimm die Vergangenheir an und freu dich darauf, was die Zukunft bringt."

Magical Friends Icon "Accetta il passato, e lanciati in nuove e meravigliose esperienze."



  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. Nór. (May 30, 2020). Retrieved August 15, 2020 from

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