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Lillova & Sweetpea Reindeer

The most important time in your life is right now.


Lien is a horse made out of water, and she is constantly dripping small drops of water. Lien travels on land in the shape of a horse made of water. Sometimes little minnows and tadpoles get caught inside Lien, and then they go on unexpected journeys overland. Then they get to see more of the world than they ever bargained for.[1] Her mane is very silky and long and decorated with decorations similar to Chinese bu yao.[2] Lien's mane and tail also have pink lotus flowers resting at their base.[3]

In some artwork, her mane appears to also function as a draping blanket on her back.


Lien is a calm, rather quiet horse. She prefers to enjoy each day as it comes.

Magical Gift

Being made out of water, Lien has very powerful water magic, controlling all the water in ponds and small lakes.

Lien is very close to Sara’s magic because Sara’s magic was sprinkled across the land in raindrops, which fed the rivers, streams, and ponds.[1]


Koi Fish

The koi fish swimming in and around her entertain Lien with all their splashing and dancing.


Lien is close friends with Jikin, and even attended Bella's Ball with him.

Lotus Hedgehogs

Lien's closest magical friend is the lotus hedgehog. Lien appears as a giant lotus floating on the glassy surface of a perfectly still pond when spending time with her hedgehog friends.


It is unsure how they are related, but Lien and Waterpearl may be siblings.[4]

The Name Game

Lien is a Vietnamese name meaning "lotus."[5] In Vietnamese culture, the lotus is considered a symbol of purity, and it is the national flower of Vietnam.[6]


  • Lien was the first elemental water horse created for the series. [7]
  • In her "Bella's Ball" French release, Lien is mistakenly referred to as male. However, in other French releases the correct gender is used. [8]

Bella Sara Adventures


When asked about her favorite food, Lien says, "Blue flag irises are so pretty. I love to eat them too!"


Once you unlock Bella's Ball adventures, you unlock Lien, who will have the quest Invitations and is in the Fountain Plaza. When you first ask her about this, she will ask you to grow papyrus, which she will make into paper and only grows in water. When you bring the papyrus reed to her, she will require indigo, which she will make into ink. After the indigo flower is given, the finished invitations will need to be hand-sent to Fiona, Jewel, Thunder, and Nike. When you're finished, and you return to Lien, she will give you a horseshoe prize.

Lien's chibi code unlocks the adventure "Puddle Jumper."

Inspirational Message

Magical Friends Icon “The most important time in your life is right now.”

Bella's Ball Icon “Dit is het belangrijkste moment in je leven.”

Magical Friends Icon “Le moment le plus important de ta vie, c’est le moment présent.”

Magical Friends Icon “Die Gegenwart ist der wichtigste Moment in dienem Leben!”

Magical Friends Icon “Il momento più tua vita è adesso.”
The Best of Bella Sara Icon “Il momento più importante della tua vita è il presente..”

Spring Carnival Icon “Самое важное время в твоей жизни - прямо сейчас, не пропусти!”

Magical Friends Icon “El momento más importante de tu vida es ahora mismo.”





  1. 1.0 1.1 Information Retrieved from Bellapedia Screenshot
  2. "Buyao." Wikipedia. December 2, 2021. Retrieved December 8, 2021 from
  3. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  4. Information Retrieved from Bellapedia Screenshot (Waterpearl)
  5. What is the meaning behind the Vietnamese name "Lien"? (September 22, 2018). Retrieved August 15, 2020 from
  6. Lotus. (2015). Retrieved August 15, 2020 from,water%20of%20lakes%20and%20ponds.
  7. The Ultimate Guide to Trading Card Games. Michael G. Ryan. Pg. 57
  8. Information and translation from French collectors Apost and Wysteria

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Magical Friends Icon North American Numbering Kendra International Numbering Kounari
Treasures Icon Knight
Bella's Ball Icon Kona
Spring Carnival Icon Kitty
The Best of Bella Sara Icon Kona
Magical Chibis Icon Leolynx
Herds from North of North Icon Jubilee

Magical Friends Icon Lillova
Treasures Icon Lukan
Bella's Ball Icon Misa
Spring Carnival Icon Maximus
The Best of Bella Sara Icon Lillova
Magical Chibis Icon Lotus Hedgehog
Herds from North of North Icon Mustang

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