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You are more powerful than you realize. It is safe and good for you to be powerful.


Shaman is a pure black horse who wears a single white feather in their mane.[1]


Shaman is a powerful horse and encourages others to channel their inner strength as well.

Magical Gift

Due to their namesake, Shaman may be able to access good and evil spirits and help heal others.



Shaman has many butterfly friends.


In the Bella Sara game for the Nintendo DS, Shaman is described as Fiona's friend.

The Name Game

A practitioner of shamanism, a shaman communicates with good and evil spirits in order to help heal sickness, infertility, scarceness of prey, and other threats to survival. Shamans are also skilled in utilizing medicinal plants and interpreting omens. Shamanism is still practiced in many, Asian, African, and North American, and South American cultures.[2]


Although both cards have different backgrounds, Shaman and Shadow share the same horse art.

Inspirational Message

Danish Silver Icon “You are more powerful than you realize. It is safe and good for you to be powerful.”

Second Series Icon “Ta puissance est bien plus grande que tu ne l’imagines. Cette énergie est bonne et saine pour toi.”

Second Series Icon “Sei più forte di quanto pensi. E' importante e positivo esserlo.”
The Best of Bella Sara Icon “Sei più forte di quello che pensi. Credere in te stessa ti rende più sicura.”



  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. Shamanism. (2020, July 14). Retrieved on July 18, 2020, from

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Danish Silver Icon Scarlett
Danish Gold Icon Sham
First Series Icon Rain
Second Series Icon Roxy
The Best of Bella Sara Icon Shamal

Danish Silver Icon Silver
Danish Gold Icon Shine
First Series Icon Thunder
Second Series Icon Spottie
The Best of Bella Sara Icon Skipper

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