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Believe in your worth. You are valuable.


Skipper is a dapple grey draft stallion with a dark grey and white mane and tail. He has chocolate-tan stockings and heavy white feathering. His eyes are dark and his muzzle is light pink.

At Bella's Ball, he wears a green cape with a white collar and fringed with golden-decorated ruffles. Skipper's tail has a green and white puffy "sleeve" around it. His collar has a rose tucked under it, and he wears a black hat with a red and gold rim and two feathers of different shades of pink attached to it.[1]


Skipper believes that everyone has worth and tries to encourage anyone he meets to believe in themselves. He is also happy, positive, content, and strong.[2]



It is confirmed that Tiffi and Skipper are related.[3]


Skipper's mate is the lovely Flora.

Bluebell and Tumbleweed

Skipper has one filly, Bluebell, and one colt, Tumbleweed.

The Name Game

Skipper is a title usually used for a ship captain or master. It has also been used as a name for boys.[4]

Bella Sara Adventures


Skipper's favorite food is indigo.

Inspirational Message

Danish Gold Icon “Believe in your worth, feel your value.”
First Series Icon “Believe in your worth. You are valuable.”
Baby Bella Icon “Open like a flower and show others that you are valuable.”

The Best of Bella Sara Icon “Véř ve svou cenu. Jsi vzácná.”

Second Series Icon “Crois en toi. Tu as beaucoup de valeur.”
Baby Bella Icon “Déploie-toi comme les pétales d’une fleur et montre à autrui ton immense valeur.”

Second Series Icon “Glaube an dich. Du bist wertvoll.”
Baby Bella Icon “Öffne dich wie eine Blume und zeige anderen, wie wertvoll du bist.”
Bella's Ball Icon “Lerne dich zu schätzen. Du bist wertvoll.”

Second Series Icon “Credi nelle tue capacità. Tu vali.”
The Best of Bella Sara Icon “Credi in te stessa. Tu vali.”

Second Series Icon “Cree en tu valía. Eeres un ser muy valioso.”





  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. From The Ultimate Sticker Collection
  3. Bella Sara Magical Horses. (January 23, 2012). Retrieved August 17, 2020 from
  4. Skipper. (July 24, 2020). Retrieved August 17, 2020 from

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Danish Gold Icon Shine
First Series Icon Shakira
Second Series Icon Sheng
Northern Lights Icon Saga
Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon Selene
Baby Bella Icon Ruskin
Bella's Ball Icon Silvia
The Best of Bella Sara Icon Shaman

Danish Gold Icon Sky
First Series Icon Star
Second Series Icon Sokki
Northern Lights Icon Sleipnir
Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon Sleipnir
Baby Bella Icon North American Numbering Starfrost International Numbering Snowflake
Bella's Ball Icon Sleetmane
The Best of Bella Sara Icon Sleetmane

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