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You will get chances to do new and exciting things. Take them!


Sky has a beautiful dappled violet coat with feathered hooves, and a white mane and tail. Her hooves and eyes are grayish purple.[1]


Sky is very brave and never passes up an opportunity to try something new. Whether it's adventuring with her friend Stardust or flying by herself, she is up to the challenge![2]

Magical Gift

Sky is a windwalker and leaves a path of icicles that magically dangle in the air behind her.



Sky is close friends with Stardust and enjoys adventuring and playing with her in the snow.

Inspirational Message

Danish Gold Icon “You will get new exciting opportunities. Catch Them!”
Starlights Icon “You will get chances to do new and exciting things. Take them!”

Starlights Icon “Tu auras maintes occasions de faire des choses nouvelles et passionnantes. Saisis-les !”

Schmidt Puzzle Promos Icon “Du erhältst neue, aufregende Gelegenheiten. Nutze sie.”
Starlights Icon “Du wirst Chancen bekommen neue und aufregenden Sachen zu machen. Nutze sie.”



  1. Gender Confirmed by Bella Sara Magical Horses. (February 1, 2011). Retrieved August 17, 2020 from
  2. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.

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Danish Gold Icon Skipper
Schmidt Puzzle Promos Icon Louie
Starlights Icon Sirius

Danish Gold Icon Spottie
Schmidt Puzzle Promos Icon Skywalker
Starlights Icon Solstice

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