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Your good character is the most precious thing you own.


Alina is a dusty brown filly with a white sock on her back left leg and white stockings on her other three legs. She has a short brown mane and tail, and bright blue eyes.

Alina wears a denim-blue cap on her head with a metallic golden butterfly charm attached to it. Red ribbons trail off of her cap, and more red ribbons are woven into her tail. The crest of Herd Shahazar hangs on another ribbon as a pendant around her neck. [1]


Alina is careful to never let herself say or do something she may regret later. She wants others to see and judge who she is for themselves, and she works hard to make a good impression on everyone she meets.



According to her online stable, Dewdrop is Alina's mother. It is unknown why they are in separate herds or how a dew pony could be a mother to a regular horse. It is also unknown who Alina's father is.[2]

The Name Game

The name Alina means "noble" or "kind."[3]

Inspirational Message

Royalty Icon “Your good character is the most precious thing you own.”

Royalty Icon “Ton caractère avenant est ton bien le plus précieux.”

Royalty Icon “Dein guter Charakter ist dein wertvollster Besitz.”

Royalty Icon “Il tuo buon cuore è la cosa più preziosa che possiedi.”




  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. Information Retrieved from Stable Code Circa. 2019
  3. Alina. Retrieved August 16, 2020 from,and%20is%20of%20Slavic%20origin.

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