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Trust yourself and you will know how to live.


Bellisimo is Bella and Bello's firstborn colt. He has a furry gray coat with a heart spot on his neck and a fuzzy, glowing white mane and tail.[1]


Bellisimo likes to be by his mother's side; he is kind and considerate but a little shy. He enjoys playing with butterflies by the lake.[2]


Bella and Bello

Bellisimo's parents are Bella, High Queen of all of North of North, and Bello, King of Herd Bellasara.


Bellisimo has one sister, Bellissa.

The Name Game

His name is a slight (probably intentional) mistype of the Italian superlative adjective "bellissimo", used to describe the most beautiful subject, usually in the male form.[3]


Bellisimo was bron on the shores of the same lake where Bella met Bello. [4]

Inspirational Message 

Danish Copper Icon “Trust yourself and you will know how to live.”

Second Series Icon “Crois en toi et la vie n'aura pas de secret pour toi.”

Baby Bella Icon “Glaube an dich selbst und du weißt, zu leben.”

Second Series Icon “Credi in te stessa, e saprai come vivere la tua vita.”

Second Series Icon “Confía en ti mismo y sabrás cómo vivir.”





  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. Information Retrieved from Baby Bella Storybook Screenshot
  3. What does bellissimo mean in Italian? Retrieved August 6, 2020 from
  4. The Ultimate Guide to Trading Card Games. Michael G. Ryan. Pg. 51

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Danish Copper Icon Balto
First Series Icon Bella
Second Series Icon Bella
Baby Bella Icon North American Numbering Bella International Numbering Bellerophon
Treasures Icon Bella
The Best of Bella Sara Icon Bella & Sara
Foals and Foals 2017 Icon Alina

Danish Copper Icon Bifrost
First Series Icon Bello
Second Series Icon Bello
Baby Bella Icon Bello & Bella
Treasures Icon Bello
The Best of Bella Sara Icon Bellissa
Foals and Foals 2017 Icon Bellissa

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