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Take care of nature. Let the world stay a beautiful place to live.


Diana is a white mare with a curly black mane and tail. She has silver swirling decorations across her face and neck, a large silver moon medallion around her neck, and silver vambraces on her legs.[1]


Diana loves and values nature. She wants to protect the world she lives in and keep it beautiful. She loves to stand under the stars and feel the night breeze in her mane.[2]



Artemis and Diana are both based on the same goddess. Therefore, they may possibly be siblings.

The Name Game

Diana is a Roman goddess of the hunt, the moon, and nature. She is associated with wild animals and woodlands. Diana was one of the three maiden goddesses who swore never to marry. Her Greek counterpart is Artemis.[3]

Inspirational Message

Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon “Take care of nature. Let the world stay a beautiful place to live.”

Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon “Prends soin de la nature. Il faut que ce monde reste un bel endroit où vivre.”

Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon “Schütze die Natur. Lass' die Welt einen schönen Ort zum Leben sein.”

Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon “Prenditi cura della natura. Fa che il mondo sia un posto splendido dove vivere.”




  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the bellasara.wiki.gg staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. From The Ultimate Sticker Collection
  3. Diana (mythology). (July 25, 2020). Retrieved August 8, 2020 from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diana_(mythology)

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