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You're not alone–there'll always be a friend for you.


Frostfire is an icy blue stallion with a muscular build and a mane and tail billowing with blue, orange, and red fire. He has thick feathering around his sharp hooves that match his mane and tail color. [1]


Frostfire is a loyal friend. He will never give up on those he cherishes. He is also very loyal to those in his herd and would protect them with his life.

Magical Gift

Frostfire's mane and tail appear to be made out of fire, making him a hot blood. However, his body is of a more icy substance.



Frostfire's mate is Jubilee, and together they rule over Herd Elemyn.

Noel and Silver

Jubilee and Frostfire have one colt, Silver, and one filly, Noel.

Inspirational Message

Winter Festival Icon “You're not alone – there'll always be a friend for you.”

Winter Festival Icon “Tu n'est pas seule : il y aura toujours un ami pour toi.”

Winter Festival Icon “Никто не одинок в этом мире. Для каждого найдется тот, кто его понимает.”




  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.

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