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Have confidence in yourself and others will trust you, too.


Frosty is the third-born foal of Snowdreamer and Sleetmane. He also shows the stocky build of his father and his shaggy coat, which is crisp white. His coarse mane and tail are also white, which is tipped in crystallized blue ice. His hooves are also blue.[1]


Frosty is also a confident yearling; he knows how to trust himself because he can depend on his values for support as he makes choices![2]


Dane, Chocolate, Thora, and Tinsel

Frosty has many siblings! He has two sisters, Thora and Tinsel, and two brothers, Chocolate and Dane.

Sleetmane and Snowdreamer

Frosty's mother is Snowdreamer, and his father is Sleetmane.

Inspirational Message

Winter Festival Icon “Have confidence in yourself and others will trust you, too.”

Winter Festival Icon “Aie confiance en toi et les autres te feront confiance, eux aussi.”

Winter Festival Icon "Zaufaj sobie, a wówczas inni teź ci zaufają."

Winter Festival Icon “Научись доверять себе, и заслужить доверие окружающих.”




  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. Bella Sara Magical Horses. (October 4, 2011). Retrieved August 9, 2020 from

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