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A truly playful spirit lets everyone win.


Ponca is a brown and white pinto mare with a black and white mane and tail. She has a feathered collar with white stitching on the top. Her mane spikes up like a porcupine's spines and is adorned with white and black feathers. Around her eye is a painted blue circle, and there are blue bands on her upper forelegs. There is an intricate blue design on her haunches as well of a porcupine's paw print.[1]

The original artwork for Ponca's card features a totem pole in the background that was removed in the final product. This is most likely because totem poles are not used by the Ponca Nation, rather, they are used by nations of the Pacific Northwest.[2][3]


Ponca is a playful horse who always enjoys having fun.



Ponca has a special connection to the porcupine.

The Name Game

“The tribe this steed was based on were located in what is now known as Northern Nebraska. Historically, the Ponca lived in earth-covered lodges in permanent villages, and went on seasonal buffalo hunting expeditions. Their traditional enemies were the Sioux.

In 1879, Standing Bear, a Ponca Chief, was arrested for leaving the reservation without permission. His court case established Native Americans as “persons within the meaning of the law,” and possessing the right of equal treatment under the law. It took many decades before that concept was universally applied, however.”[4]

Bella Sara Adventures


Although Ponca is not present in later card series, they are present in Bella Sara Adventures. They can be found in The Ballroom.


Ponca's chibi code unlocks the adventure "Scaredcrow."

Inspirational Message

Native Lights Icon “A truly playful spirit lets everyone win.”

Native Lights Icon “Le joueur authentique, c’est celui qui laisse tout le monde gagner.”
Native Lights Icon “Wer gerne spielt, muss nicht gewinnen.”
Native Lights Icon “Un vero spirito giocoso lascia vincere gli altri.”





  1. Information from The Ultimate Sticker Collection
  2. Totem Poles. (2009) https://indigenousfoundations.arts.ubc.ca/totem_poles/
  3. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the bellasara.wiki.gg staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  4. Information Retrieved from Bellapedia Circa. 2019

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