Rolandsgaard Boardwalk

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Rolandsgaard Boardwalk Map


Rolandsgaard Boardwalk was an area in Bella Sara Adventures. The area featured a gardening plot, a boardwalk over the waterfall, and entrances to the castle.[1]



He is to the east of the Rolandsgaard Boardwalk. His favourite food is strawberries. He can assist in various adventures.

Emma Roland

She is at the entrance to the Ballroom near The Oracle. She reminds you why you are both in North of North and how to save it by planting seeds, and also assists in many adventures.

The Oracle

She is at the entrance to the Ballroom, near Emma. Her favorite food is laurels.


She is near the gardens to the south. Her favourite food is winterberries, and she helps in some adventures.

Other Horses


  • Dirt


  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.