Sleigh Ride

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The "Sleigh Ride" story-card features Emma, Deru, Colm, and Sara riding in a sleigh. Cade Traveler drives the sleigh with his horse friends Zabarius and Shenandoah pulling them along a frozen road. Colm's Valeryk Husky friend, Frostbite, runs alongside the sleigh. [1]


“One of Emma's favorite Winter Festival traditions is to take a sleigh ride around Trails End to look at all the lights and decorations. Cade Traveler, the stable master, offers to take her out with his team, Zabarius and Shenandoah. Sara, Deru, and Colm come along -- and so does Colm's magical friend Frostbite, who insists on running the whole way!”

“L'une de traditions préférées d'Emma lors de la grande fête de l'hiver consiste à faire une promenade en traîneau dans Trails End pour regarder les lumières et les décorations. Cade Traveler, chef des écuries, lui propose de l'emmener avec son équipage, Zabarius et Shenandoah. Sara, Deru et Colm les accompagnent ainsi que l'ami magique de Colm, Frostbite, qui insiste pour courir à leurs côtés durant toute la promenade.”



  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.