Colm Roland

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Love who you are. Believe in who you can be.

Colm is a 14-year-old boy from earth and Emma Roland's cousin. Although boastful and impulsive, Colm proves himself to be a great companion to Emma by adding in some optimism and humor during their travels reuniting North of North's herds.


Malcom Connor Roland, or Colm, is Emma Roland's 14-year-old cousin. [1] He has messy blond hair and brown eyes. His normal outfit is a light blue-green long-sleeved shirt with a grey short-sleeved jacket, a pair of blue jeans with patches on the knees, a brown leather belt, bag, and a pair of boots.

In "Bella's Ball", he wears an outfit that consists of a deep violet leather jacket, deep violet pants, and long black boots. He also wears an elaborate golden medallion necklace.

In "Spring Carnival", he wears a Tudor-like coat with large sleeves in red and black, black pants, long brown boots, and a white ruffled shirt.

In "Starlights" and "Winter Festival", he wears a brown coat trimmed with white fur, green pants, and grey gloves.[2]


Colm often teased Emma back on earth and showed little concern for others, often harassing them for his own impulsive amusement. When he and Emma arrived in North of North, he often felt jealous of Emma's newfound fame and hoped to go on his own adventures and gain some fame of his own. [3] Throughout the journey to find the lost Herd Sunflower, Colm grows from a selfish know-it-all to a more compassionate and humble companion to Emma and her friends.

Although not gifted with the powers of a Valkyrie, Colm still proves himself to be brave sometimes to a fault such as when he challenged the powerful sorceress Ivenna himself.



Soot is Colm's beloved steed. The pair found North of North by mistake, but both found a bond of joy there and stayed. [4]


In Summer Camp, Bronco is Colm's Wild Ride steed.


Colm is close friends with Deru and has gone on many adventures with her. He seems to have a soft spot for her. [5]


Before Emma arrived in North of North, Colm was very angry when he couldn't take Soot for a ride and took Dowager instead despite the fact that she was pregnant. When the foaling of Wings caused her death, Colm blamed himself for what happened to her. Upon discovering that Dowager was alive in North of North, he was hesitant to see her, but after some encouragement from Emma and Deru, he found the courage to see her and apologize.


Colm and Emma are cousins who grew up together. Although he often teased her, he does love her and will always help her out when she needs it. Ever since coming to North of North, sometimes Colm feels like he is in Emma's shadow because he isn't a Valkyrie. However, the two eventually reconciled and Colm found his purpose assisting Emma on her quests.


Colm is the youngest son of Morgan and Cynthia Roland. He also has two unnamed elder brothers that are in college. [6]


Colm's magical friend is Frostbite the Valeryk Husky puppy. The two meet during the events of "Starlights".

Herd Elemyn

In some card series, Colm's card art features the symbol for Herd Elemyn, the herd of his mount Soot. However, in others, his card art features the orchid symbol of the Rolandotter family.

Shine Anders

Colm and Shine were dance partners at Bella's Ball. She reveals that Colm isn't a very good dancer and stepped on her feet multiple times. [7]

Inspirational Message

"Love who you are. Believe in who you can be."

"Měj sama sebe ráda takovou, jaká jsi. Věř v tu, kterou můžeš být."

"Aime la personne que tu es. Aie foi en celle que to deviendras."

"Liebe das, was du bist. Glaube an das, was du werden kannst."

"Люби себя такой, какая ты есть, но продолжай совершенствоваться. Становясь лучше, ты делаешь мир светлее."

"Quiérete a ti mismo. Cree en quien puedes llegar a ser."


"Man, that dog has a cold nose!"

"Yee Haw!"

"The Lord of Misrule becomes the king of Winter Festival."



  1. Conrad S., Saling B. M., Hacker M. (2011). Emma and the Lost Herds. (pp. 161-162). Seattle, WA: Hidden City Entertainment. Retrieved from
  2. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  3. Information Collaborated across All Sources
  4. Bella Sara Magical Horses.(February 23, 2011). Retrieved August 28, 2020 from
  5. Lost Herds Cont., (pp. 23, 70, 122, 125, 130, 138, 140, 164, 167-168, 218-221, 315)
  6. Brown F., Jakubowski N. (December 23, 2008). Valkrist's Flight. New York, NY: HarperCollins.
  7. Lost Herds Cont., (pp. 5-6, 226)

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