Trail's End

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Trail's End is a large, lush, grassy area near the south sea in North of North. This area is where most humans live, mainly in Canter Downs.


Trail's End is located at the heart of North of North. Although no-one knows the exact borders of Trail's End, many believe it reaches from Naastrand Sound to Mount Whitemantle, including all of Canter Hollow,Drasilmare, and Teardrop Lake, and everything in between.[1]


Trail's End, which was also once Sigga's estate, is the most important and famous place in North of North. More like a county than a personal estate, it contains a variety of human villages and natural spaces and serves as the unofficial capital of North of North. After Sigga's banishment, the people of Trail's End did their best to carry on, but they miss the days of Valkyrie magic that blessed the land. [2] [3]

The Rolanddotter Estate, or Sigga's Estate, encompasses vast tracts of land, and architecture and locations depicted in the world map. These lands originally belonged to Sara’s parents, who took up residence where Drasilmare and Teardrop Lake now reside. Trails End, as the name evokes, is a place where one can feel safe and restful. At the same time, its outlying areas should summon up the sense of adventure that lies just outside the town and castle grounds. Trails End’s borders aren’t clearly defined, some estimate the estate to encompass more than 50,000 acres stretching from the Naastrand Sound to the base of Whitemantle Mountain. [4]


Trail's End is considered both a place filled with adventure, and also a safe, restful place where familes, horses, and magical creatures live.[1]

Locations in Trail's End

Some notable place within Trail's End are:


  1. 1.0 1.1 From The Ultimate Sticker Collection
  2. Gott C., Conard S., Boozer M., Hacker M., Saling B. M. (2009). The Bella Sara Ultimate Guide Updated Version (pp. 38) New York, NY: HarperCollins. Retrieved August 5, 2020 from
  3. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  4. Behind-The-Scenes: Trail's End. (January 2, 2011). Retrieved August 20, 2020 from