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Spend your time on things that matter. The rest will take care of itself.


Twig is dark tan, with a forest green mane and tail. She has brown hooves and startling blue eyes. Her mane and tail are wrapped in red ribbons and set here and there with small flowers that change with the seasons. She wears a red makeshift bridle and leg wraps made from leaves and held in place with strands of grass. Twig is usually seen with Deru on her back.

At "Bella's Ball", Twig's red ribbons and makeshift bridle are replaced with green ribbons and a green band around her muzzle. Her roses are traded in for bunches of holly berries, and her leg wraps are white instead of green. She is adorned with a necklace of white flowers, and has a few of those flowers in her mane. [1]


Twig tends to get done what absolutely needs to, then leave the rest for later. For this reason, she is sometimes called "procrastinator" or "lazy". However, she really isn't. She just doesn't see any reason to hurry things along that will resolve themselves in a reasonable amount of time.

Magical Gift

Twig is a windwalker, she doesn't have to use wings to fly. She also is able to harness the growing magic of Drasilmare, seeing as she is one of the spirits of the ancient and magical tree.[2] She also gets her magic from growdust in the spring.[3]



Twig's rider is Deru, her fellow dryad friend. Twig likes to try new things with Deru, but doesn't always like them. Like the time they tried iceskating.[4]

Inspirational Message

Bella's Ball Icon “Spend your time on things that matter. The rest will take care of itself.”

Moonfairies Icon “Věnuj svůj čas důležitým věcem. Zbytek se vyřeší sám.”

Moonfairies Icon “Besteed je tijd aan belangrijke dingen. De rest komt vanzelf goed.”

Moonfairies Icon “Consacre ton temps à ce qui te tient vraiment à cœur. Le reste se règlera de soi-même.”

Sunflowers Icon “Verbringe deine Zeit mit dem, was wirklich wichtig ist. Der Rest wird sich schon von allein erledigen.”

Moonfairies Icon “Passa il tuo tempo a occuparti delle cose che contano. Il resto verrà da sé.”

Spring Carnival Icon “Время, как вода. Если ты позволишь ему течь сквозь пальцы, оно уже к тебе не вернется.”

Bella's Ball Icon “Emplea tu tiempo en cosas importantes. Lo demás se arreglará solo.”





  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. Information Retrieved from Sunflowers card series, Spring Carnival Storybook DVD, and the Bella Sara Movie
  3. Bella Sara Magical Horses. (February 28, 2013). Retrieved August 27, 2020 from
  4. Information from Starlights card "Skating Lesson"

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