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Love who you are. Believe in who you can be.


Soot is coal-black like his mother but has veins of glowing orange running across his body. He emits a faint orange glow and breathes out smoke through his fiery nostrils. His eyes are a dark black.

At "Bella's Ball", Soot wears a decorative war saddle. The saddle has a large black circular shield, a black handled sword, and various decorations like circular metal plates, and golden accents. He also has two silver circles in his hair on either side of his head.

At "Spring Carnival", he wears an elaborate red harness with silver trimmings, as well as a red blanket with golden trim.[1]


Soot can be a little cocky at times, but he is mostly very loyal and kind to his family and friends. Especially his rider Colm. Soot loves going on adventures, like the quest for Herd Sunflower.[2]

Magical Gift

Soot is a windwalker, and he shoots fire out of his hooves when he uses this gift. He also exhales smoke.

Soot is a lump of coal desperate to become a diamond. Descended from a long line of famous, fiery magical horses, Soot tries to live up to the family reputation but can’t seem to control his powers. All he can manage is a molten-orange pulse in his body when he gets excited, plus occasional eruptions of flame from his mouth, nose, and hooves—followed by trails of smoke, a sulfurous smell, and a layer of soot that flakes off his body and smudges everything he touches.[3]

Despite his naturally fiery state, he is able to turn his fire magic on and off when needed.[4]



Colm is Soot's rider. The pair found North of North by mistake, but both found a bond of joy there and stayed.[5]


Soot's mother is Dowager.[6]


Soot has one brother, Wings.[6]

Bella Sara Adventures


His favorite food is nightshade.

Inspirational Message

Bella's Ball Icon “Love who you are. Believe in who you can be.”

Moonfairies Icon “Měj sama sebe ráda takovou, jaká jsi. Věř v tu, kterou můžeš být.”

Bella's Ball Icon “Aime la personne que tu es. Aie foi en celle que to deviendras.”

Bella's Ball Icon “Liebe das, was du bist. Glaube an das, was du werden kannst.”

Moonfairies Icon “Ama chi sei. Credi in ciò che puoi essere.”

Moonfairies Icon “Pokochaj szebie takq, jaka jesteś. A potem uwierz w to, kim moźesz, się stać.”

Spring Carnival Icon “Люби себя такой, какая ты есть, но продолжай совершенствоваться. Становясь лучше, ты делаешь мир светлее.”

Bella's Ball Icon “Quiérete a ti mismo. Cree en quien puedes llegar a ser.”





  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. Emma's Wings Feature Film.(September 14, 2013), and Sunflowers Cards
  3. Bella Sara Magical Horses. (December 27, 2010). Retrieved August 17, 2020 from
  4. Conrad S., Saling B. M., Hacker M. (2011). Emma and the Lost Herds Chapters 7, (pp.179-180). Seattle, WA: Hidden City Entertainment. Retrieved from
  5. Bella Sara Magical Horses. (February 23, 2011). Retrieved August 28, 2020 from
  6. 6.0 6.1 Lost Herds Cont., Chapter 8

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