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Nature's energy is all around you every moment.


Aurora is a cream pegasus mare with piercing blue eyes, a white blaze on her forehead, and a vibrant red and gold mane and tail. Her translucent wings shimmer like the aurora borealis in the moonlight.


Aurora is mysterious and sometimes keeps to herself. She is known for her knowledge and magic.

Magical Gift

As she flies, a wave of soft colors follows, then disappears. She often travels the Auroborus. [1]



Aurora's mate is Rimfaxe. Together they have two foals, Dawn and Dusk


During the 2008 "Family Reunion" event, Aurora and Rimfaxe seek the help of Wildflower to find Dawn and Dusk who are unable to find their way back home.

The Name Game

In Roman mythology, Aurora is the goddess of the dawn. She renews herself every morning and flies across the sky, announcing the arrival of the sun. 

Promo Info

"Baby Bella"

Aurora and her mate, Rimfaxe, share a Promo Card in the "Baby Bella" series.

Their card could be acquired in the following ways:

  • Included with a purchase of "Baby Bella" card packs at participating North American stores between October and November during the 2008 "Family Reunion" promotion[2]
  • Purchased through the old Bella Sara Online Store for $4.50[3]
  • Found in issue 10, 11, and 12 of the French Bella Sara Magazine

It could also be found in a German release, although the specifics of the German Promo are unknown.

Inspirational Message

Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon “Nature's energy is all around you every moment.”
Baby Bella Icon “Let nature give you the energy to share love with others.”

The Best of Bella Sara Icon “Energie přírody je vždy a všude kolem Tebe.”

Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon “L'énergie de la nature t'entoure en permanence.”
Baby Bella Icon “Laisse la nature te donner l'énergie nécessaire pour partager ton amour avec autrui.”
Starlights Icon “L'énergie de la nature t'entoure à chaque instant.”

Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon “Die Kraft der Natur umgibt dich, überall und jederzeit.”
Baby Bella Icon “Die Natur schenkt dir die Energie, deine Liebe mit anderen zu teilen.”

Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon “L'energia della natura è intorno a te in ogni momento.”





  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. Information from "Family Reunion" Ad Image
  3. Rare Rimfaxe & Aurora Trading Card. (Jan 4, 2010). Retrieved on May 23, 2021, from

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Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon Aphrodite
Baby Bella Icon Dusk
Starlights Icon Astara
The Best of Bella Sara Icon Athena

Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon North American Release Bukefalos European Release Bosi
Baby Bella Icon Wildflower
Starlights Icon Bella
The Best of Bella Sara Icon Bella & Sara

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