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Harmony comes from a peaceful mind, an open heart, and a forgiving nature.


Comanche is a white steed with a dark brown mane and tail. They wear a traditionally decorated saddle with long leather fringes on the sides and short leather frignes on the back. The saddle features a strip of cloth that wraps around their front, also fringed in short leather strips, or blue and white. Around their neck is a blanket with red and white designs.[1]


Comanche has a peaceful countenance, an open heart, and is always forgiving.



Comanche has a special bond with the crow.

The Name Game

"The Tribe this steed is based on was located in the American Southwest. They were the most skilled horsemen of all Indian nations and connected culturally and linguistically with the Shoshone people. The Comanche were a nomadic plains tribe who roamed over a 1,000-mile area to hunt buffalo. Today the Comanche are known for their skill as dancers and singers, and they perform at powwows throughout North America. Their tribal headquarters is in Lawton, Oklahoma."[2]

Inspirational Message

Native Lights Icon “Harmony comes from a peaceful mind, an open heart, and a forgiving nature.”

Native Lights Icon “L’harmonie naît d’un esprit paisible, d’un cœur ouvert et d’une nature indulgente.”

Native Lights Icon “Harmonie entsteht aus einem friedlichen und offenen Gemüt, das bereit ist zu verzeihen.”

Native Lights Icon “Armonia è una mente serena, un cuore aperto, uno spirito generoso.”




  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. Information Retrieved from Bellapedia Circa. 2019

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